Mandating face masks makes less sense by the hour. Still, governments endure in its maniacal efforts to coerce everyone who defies madness…
In a surreal World of deadly infections without deaths, made by medical inquisitors under the control of financial plutocracy, France has mandated totally useless face masks on Friday, August 28th…
Asked on Friday if smokers could take off the mask to have a cigarette, Paris Deputy Mayor Anne Souyris made clear this was not the case.
“You're not allowed to smoke on the street without a mask; you can’t take it off, so you must find another way,” she told the Cnews channel.
We already have presented evidence that masks do not protect against viruses, on several occasions that there are no scientific evidence they help with anything, that there is no danger to protect from with them, that masks provably cause more harm for your health than the virus itself, and that the face masks are not about a health protection but about compliance.
Then you have French President Emmanuel Macron who demonstrates everything we stated in the previous paragraph in one short video in a most idiotic way:
Duration: 1:18
Of course social media couldn’t stay calm and slam all over him, but this kind of ‘Jupiterian elite’ really does not care what do oxes think. Therefore, of course there will be resistance:
Duration: 3:57
So, according to corporate media typical anti-masker in France is:
- an educated woman
- in her fifties
- supports ‘yellow vests’
- would refuse vaccine
- and is a ‘conspiracy theorist’!
Macron began to suffocate under the mask while speaking although he is (well, physically) healthy, but neither he nor any of the executive idiots didn’t think of people who have respiratory problems. Nobody thought about children who has to wear the cloth over their faces half a day.
And you must still remember of a big movement for ‘liberation of Muslim women’ who wears hijab, right? Now you can see those ‘activists’ in their true light…
The level of ‘face mask idiocy’ has gone so high that even Mark Dolan from the Virgin corporate media talkRADIO went of in air with a rant against wearing masks. If they take down video from YouTube, will set it up again at 3Speak:
Mark Dolan cuts up his face mask live on air (Duration: 6:50)
You also should watch his respond to critics of his ‘face mask cutting’ viral video. In addition to his fine rant, I would say that face mask are more than a barrier to recovery: face masks are a hysteria bridge to the vaccination crime – not allowing sheeple to come to its sense and starts thinking with their own head. Mandating face masks is keeping the fear pressure over the sheepulation while the slaughterhouse is in full function.
Wait to see what will the ‘elite’ mandate when a new common flu season starts in October…
Please, never forget Julian Assange /
Не заборавите Џулијана Асанжа!
Не заборавите Џулијана Асанжа!
* * *
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