There is a desperate attempt by globalist structures and corporate media to maintain the fear of the virus. As the Nature resolves the ‘problem’, and more evidence of a hoax coming up to the surface, we are seeing more fake news about the ‘second wave’…
In the links below the text you will find a bunch of evidences, documents and videos that describe the global virus hoax from many countries all over the World. Today, we have come to Brazil.
It is winter in Brazil, and it should be a peak of a flu season. Corporate media are full of horror stories about a mass graves in Brazil. Hysteria reached such proportions that some members of parliament decided to check what the situation really was. Using their right by law, they have entered into hospital that claimed to have 5,000 infected and 200 deaths from COVID-19, and found – another fraud!
Duration: 2:19
Five members of the Brazil parliament were acting on a tip that something was going wrong at this hospital, and allegedly they have an encouragement by president Bolsonaro to break in and check to see the number of patients there. They found nobody! What was more shocking still was the decision to open the coffins supposedly awaiting transport to be buried, of coronavirus victims. Opening the coffins, the MP’s were shocked, but not surprised, when they were found to be empty.
The governor is apparently defrauding the state and the nation along with the citizen taxpayers, and lying about the stats. This is possibly an embezzlement scheme to help bring down the country, and to push vaccines based upon inflated numbers of Covid related deaths.
Meanwhile, here’s how WHO is starting its horror tales again, and the corporate media interpret the situation:
Duration: 1:40
Furthermore, in this video at (Russian version of Facebook), the federal police of Brazil opens the coffins of the ‘deceasad’ from coronavirus, and reveals that they are – empty!
It’s Bolsonaro’s turn. Will he investigate and punish the fraudsters in a spectacular trial which corporate media won’t be able to ignore, or he will follow the globalist agenda and let everything go quiet?
The experience tells that in such cases you have very good chance to predict events choosing a greater evil…
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