Coronavirus — A True Story

Since the outbreak in China, we have listened conspiracy theories, political propaganda, economic implications and fear hype driven through the corporate media. Very rarely could you hear medical experts, virologists, who can explain the real situation…

Well, today we have one true expert, Russian Virologist Dmitriy Lvov, who has the scietific authority to speak about the true dangers of Coronavirus and about its origins. Here are a few keypoints before you start watching:

  • The virus is dangerous, but it is NOT lethal
  • It is much less contagious than common flu virus
  • It is NOT created and deployed by the CIA
  • The mask will not protect you unless it is on an infected person
  • China does not have any reason to lie about the number of infected persons

I have already resteemed the original video posted at YouTube and DTube by our @rt-international, so the more people could see it:

Duration: 18:27

[00:48] Animals are the source of all viral infections

[01:10] Natural reservoir for the coronavirus is…

[02:02] How many coronaviruses are out there?

[02:55] Around 7% of respiratory-virus diseases this year caused by coronaviruses

[03:12] Why is the mortality rate so high?

[03:33] How coronavirus finds its way inside a human body

[04:33] Virus is inside… what happens next?

[06:15] “Blind date”

[07:27] Are bats to blame?

[09:07] Coronavirus vs flu

[10:12] Respiratory viruses

[11:00] Why viruses are so active during Winter

[11:52] It’s nor ‘lethal’ or ‘tragedy’

[12:56] China's efforts to stem the virus from spread

[13:28] Will mask protect you?

[14:54] What to expect from this coronavirus epidemic…?

[15:26] Does ethnicity matter?

After you watch tis video, you can follow live global cases of COVID-19 and rest assured that a number of new daily cases dramatically falls in China, and the rest of the World.

In the Meantime…

So, the outbreak is contained and there will be no more material for further brainwashing through corporate (MSM) media. What are they going to do now? How will they continue #informationwar? Well, it seems they have in the meantime switched from brainwashing to handwashing…

Duration: 00:31

Hope you’ll survive corporate media after all.

* * *

Related posts:

Coronavirus — a False Trigger


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