'The Kingdom of Jesus/God/The Heavens' - My Library Shelf

📘📚The Kingdom of Jesus/God/The Heavens📚📕

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About this library page:

I have a message to share that I believe has been lost, hidden, and obscured for thousands of years. My message is truly good news for anyone willing to listen.

What's the Good News?


"Above All, Pursue God's Kingdom" - Matthew 6:33 (source)

The Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus/God has ARRIVED.

It was actually announced some two thousand years ago, when King Jesus first appeared on the scene. And the truly great news—a message that's been subtly but intentionally corrupted, overridden, and mangled by our adversary the devil in order to prevent it from being understood—is this:

As befits our Creator, Jesus is the One, True King, and he is a benevolent king.

All self-styled governments claiming authority over us are illegitimate pretenders.

In order to experience the authentic liberty of God's Kingdom, all we need to do is hear, believe, and act on the Good News of the Kingdom.

What's the source of this good news?

A clear and simple reading of the eternal Word of God, commonly referred to as 'the bible.' It is my fond hope that the articles and stories appearing on this shelf will clearly convey this good news to you.

My thinking and writing on the Kingdom is very much a work in progress. This library shelf will be the repository for most of it. I have much to say on the topic, and hope to gradually fill this shelf to overflowing with what I've been learning from my project of reading through the New Testament in its original language, Greek.

Friends and brothers; I need your engagement to refine my thinking. Please, get a HIVE account—you need one anyway—and do the most effective thing possible to support my studies. As I continue writing about the Good News of Jesus/God's Kingdom, comment on my work!

Library Kingdom Articles

~ "The Kingdom of God is Within You" - Jesus ~

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~ "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17 ~

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