Jesus On Politics...

“So the last shall be first, and the first last.”
- Jesus...

"Hallowed Be (ἁγιασθήτω) Thy Name..."
"Implemented Be (ἐλθέτω) Thy Kingdom..."
"Executed Be (γενηθήτω) Thy Will..." - Jesus

Lately it seems as if my backlog of articles to be published has been subjected to some queue jumpers. Here's another one...

This brilliant, short video crossed my desk today. I'll let it speak for itself, other than to preface it with the observation that--should you spend the six minutes it will take you to listen to it--you will gain a clearer glimpse into the Kingdom of Jesus/God, a Kingdom not remotely like earthly kingdoms.

Authentic Kingdom Authority Is NOT "Christian Nationalism"


NOTE: Throughout my posts, you may notice hyperlinks like this one that lead to supplemental material. Most images are also hyperlinked. While not essential to the enjoyment of my writing, you may find the linked background information enlightening (or at least mildly interesting).
ALL IMAGES are either my own, derived from open source material, or used with permission.

"My kingdom is not of this realm."  - Jesus
(Image source)

For much more from @creatr, click the library image:

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