My Interview On 'The Bad Roman Podcast' Has Dropped

“Sometimes being a good Christian meant being a bad Roman. So before you accuse people of being unpatriotic — ask yourself which empire they’re actually serving.”
- Craig Harguess, The Bad Roman Project

This Article is part of The Kingdom Collection

"The Bad Roman Project"

is the brainchild of Craig Harguess, a Christian who used to be a statist (a.k.a. 'Patriotic American'). He has since repented and become a voluntaryist, i.e. a person who believes in anarchy in its literal sense of "no rulers." This quote from The Bad Roman website tells Craig's story in a nutshell:

"As someone who has been a Christian since childhood, the more Craig studied Anarchism the more he realized it aligned perfectly with his faith, and the more he wanted others to know what he discovered, so here we are."


CLICK to visit 'The Bad Roman'

I, Duncan Cary Palmer, likewise am "A Bad Roman."

More specifically, a "Bad American." In fact, I no longer identify as an "American Citizen" at all, apart from circumstances in which I'm forced to (e.g. border crossings, etc.).

What am I instead?

I am a citizen of the Kingdom of Jesus/God who just happens to temporarily reside in the United States of America:

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy."
- 1 Peter 2:9-10 (emphasis added)

When I came across The Bad Roman Project, I discovered that I have much common cause with Craig. He invites folk with a similar outlook to submit articles for the site, and I submitted this article (first published here on Hive):

"Good News! Say 'Hello' to the New Boss."


Craig interviewed me for The Bad Roman Podcast. In that interview we discuss the above article. Here's the podcast:

Episode 68: 'Tyrants Be Gone with Duncan Palmer'

Won't you give it a listen?

And be sure to visit The Bad Roman Project and browse all the other great work that Craig has assembled there.

Thanks for tuning in, and don't miss The Kingdom library shelf (below).


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ALL IMAGES are either my own, derived from open source material, or used with permission.

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