The State or God's Kingdom? ~ A Comparison Chart

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” - Jesus (Matthew 6:33)

Where have we gone wrong?

The world is a total mess. All governments, as we've known them all of our lives, are screwed up beyond repair.

It has been said that the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Isn't it about time we changed our approach to governance?


Choose the Kingdom of God instead of the state (Source)

How can The Kingdom of Jesus/God solve our political problems?

I've become convinced that the primary source of all the troubles in our world is that we've chosen poorly. We've failed to recognize the root cause of our troubles, namely, that we've followed the wrong leaders.

Instead of pursuing as of primary importance ("seeking first") the Kingdom of Jesus/God, we've ascribed unwarranted worth to the state, i.e. to governments as we have known them, at all levels; local, county, state, and national.

This is the first article in what I hope will become a substantive series about how we can bring about the needed sea-change, how we can begin living the reality of the Kingdom of God.

~State or Kingdom of God? Compare and Choose~

by Duncan Cary Palmer

This article consists principally of the chart you see here below. The chart is nothing more than a comparison between government as we've always known it, built upon the corrupt and shaky foundation of force, theft, and fraud, and a governance system based on the good, biblical principles of liberty and love.


It's not that complicated.

Study this chart. Think about how human government as we've known it (the chart's left column) operates. Why on earth would we ever want to support such a beast?

Now compare and contrast the way a governance system ought to operate (the chart's right column) and ask yourself "Why aren't we living like this?"

My hope is for the answers to these, and other related questions, to appear here in a collection of articles to be indexed from this page in my Library.

I plan to be expanding on many of the notions and concepts that appear in this chart. Your interaction and feedback as I take this journey will be invaluable.

Stay tuned...

God willing, there will be much more to come.


For much more of @creatr, click on the library image below:

(Previous revision of the chart)


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2 columns
1 column
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