The Driveway Saga Season 3: Episode: 7 - "Seasons End? Maybe, Maybe not"

February 25th, 2021

Almost Though February

Today, with the exception of a very cold northwest wind, it was a pretty nice day. The temperature was in the mid thirties Fahrenheit at 36 F that's about 2 C. For the next couple days upper twenties to mid 30's for us. (-3C to +3C).

Why talk temperature on my driveway saga post? well it has been a relatively warm winter for us, pretty much only March left to march through and then spring. Normally in November we have a few days of bitter cold with temps around the single digits, and then in December we will have a week of minus 1 to minus 10 F.

Neither of those happened this year, we may have had two nights where the temperature dropped below zero, if it did I missed it. January and or February are the months that fight for the coldest days, Jan. was a breeze, no super cold days, Feb has also been a breeze, all in all I would say we have had less than 14 days from Nov 1, 2020 til now that the temperatures were in the single digits.

We had no days below minus 10 F, and no days below -20 F. (-10 F is -23 C, and -20 F is -28 C) we almost always have a 5-10 day stretch of those temperature, so it has been a pretty nice winter.

So on with the snow.

The view from behind where I park. The snow started on Saturday, we got about 3 inches then. Sunday was a snow free day, and Monday through Tuesday morning we got about another 4 inches so the plow guy showed up to help us out.
Parking view

The main portion of the driveway, shortly after the plow guy left we got another inch of snow. It was of the frozen variety which was nice because we have not had any sort of significant snow drifting today with the wind.
Driveway view

And the in and out part of our driveway. This is the only single stand alone picture, the other two are stitched together and cropped out with some minor shadow deletions and a little bit, very little, color boosting.
In/out bound driveway view

Well that pretty much concludes this episode of the driveway saga, Next year I will try to include more temperature reports so I can see if my memory is remembering the weather correctly.

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