The Driveway Saga Season 3: Episode: 6 - "A Snoggy Kind of Day"

February 10th, 2021

A Snoggy Snowfall

It snowed on 2-9-21, The temperature hovered around the 3f to 9f range, (-16c to -12c) one of our coldest days. Not really snow, but my term for it is it snog, snow that precipitates out of slightly lifted fog in the form of snow grains about the size of a piece of Himalayan Pink table Salt. Snow grains is one of the descriptor words used to describe snow by the United States Weather Service.

We did get some running around done that we wanted to, but like the last snowfall I was not really expecting the plow people to show up. The nice thing about snog snow is that it is extremely light weight, and has almost no water content to it.

I know that sounds odd, snow is after all a form of frozen water. We do have a tendency to get a wide variety of snow where I live. Something people that have never experienced snow would understand. It is snow grains and snow pellets that cause most of the white out conditions along roads, they are just so light they are easily lifted back up in the air by car tires.

If there is a slight breeze you get real nice mesmerizing waveform patterns in the snow blowing across the road or snow resettling after a car passed by.

When we have these snog events we generally do not get much more than an inch to maybe two inches of snow fall out of them, they just normally do not add up to much snow at all. We were rather surprised to wake up and see almost 5 inches or more of the stuff on top of the car.

The front car window view
The pile is growing bigger but at least there is still a lot of room for more snow.

Rear window viewThe piles are almost approaching the dish, still a little room before it is blocked, which is fine because we don't use either of the dishes.

Out part of driveway
He seemed to want to do a stair step effect on our driveway heading out, next time he may trim and smooth out the piles a little bit. The ight side is my secondary parking spot.

most of the driveway

As I mentioned it was pretty cold, and these were all hand held shots, unfortunately the images I took for the left part of the picture just did not want to line up, so not the full driveway view.

The in and out part of the driveway
It is hard to tell but the driveway in and out is beginning to get a bit thin and skinny, light weight snow and all, it is still not easy to move around.

A tree

And since it was Tuesday that it snowed I thought I would end my post with a tree.

At least it was early afternoon that the plow guy showed up instead of mid morning, the snow was so light it only took a few minutes to clear it from the car.

Even though visibility can be severely reduced with this kind of snow, I much prefer it over the wetter snowfalls. For plain pure beauty of snowfall though nothing beats those silver dollar sized wet flakes slowly drifting down that kind of snow I could watch for hours on end, I would hate to have to remove that kind of snow, but watching it fall is a beautiful thing to see.

It took a lot longer than I thought it would to process the pictures, I wanted to post this yesterday, but the bleak snow pics are not easy to make look good, and then there was the lineup issue for what I feel is my primary picture of the driveway. I am still not happy with the results, but I do want to be able to record the driveway events so I can look back and see when we have a normal one. I'm still not sure what Normal is yet, in 10 season maybe I'll be able to determine it.

Post completed February 11th, 2021

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