Victory Royale #1


I have been enjoying this season immensely. I might not have time to do screen shots but there were lots of memorable moments. Fortnite never stops changing so if you think you know the game, you have a whole lot left to discover. I will take a look and see what I am still missing this season.


The customize your own alien Kymera skin is pretty cool, you can create any combination. I like the options with Blue skin, the Beard and Giant Horns myself. The brain head is also fun and reminds me of the movie Mars Attacks. Ack ack ack!


Superman will start spawning soon, according to this leak. Prepare to get your butt kicked. If you thought wolverine or iron man were hard enemies to defeat, I suspect that Batman and Superman will be worthy foes with all the AI upgrades of the last few chapters combined.


Street Fighter is in the item shop right now, as well as Marshmallow if you are into that artist. If you would like to gift random skins to darkpylon that would be super cool. We can play duos sometime, or go fishing. Hey @web-gnar you around this morning?


Ariana Grande has a big event going on right now, but I have a real concert to attend thisafternoon so I may not make the last show. That is ok as I am not really an Ariana Grande fan, I have never seriously listened to her music but she is clearly very talented.



Here are a few of of the challenges I am working on right now. I better help kill trespassers before the next phase of this invasion is underway.


Read More:

Victory Royale #1, Fortnite Ferrari, Abducted, Victory Royale, Parasites infecting Fortnite, Dance on the UFO today, Finding the last 2, High Tech Alien Weaponry, Toughest AI bot yet, Primal Eliminations, Victory Royale, Spire Assasin, Enjoy The View, Season 5 Event, Predator Challenges, Mando's Bounty, Rescue The Child, Season 5 Characters, Midas hunts for Gold, Keep ranking up, End of the Year, & Dr Doom.

For more Fortnite content visit Fortnite & Fortnite_community and use tags #FortniteOnHive! (Fortnite is free to play on PC or consoles, you can just visit to download the EPIC launcher.) #GamingEvolved

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