Day 8 of 21, Ayurveda Pancha Karma Precleanse, Diary

american pitta (bird) with vata (fish) imbalance

Today I did almost nothing that I was supposed to do (nasya oil, oil pull, oil massage, bath) - because I got invited to go out to the country, leaving at 6am, so I just went. I ate the right food, except I had 3 Black Licorice Twizzlers and a store-bought green tea later when I was super tired, but at least it was room-temperature.

When we got back from our trip out to the country, I had to immediately turn around and drive up North an hour away and got back around 9pm...

I had eaten this soup that made from the "Right Rice" which is some newfangled "rice" made with lentil flour, by San Franciscans, that did taste kind of good - it reminded me a little of mac and cheese...but when I made it into a soup it became weird - it made the soup kind of like cream of mushroom soup - it melted - or something and so I didn't really want to eat it - but I had nothing I won't do that again, probably.

Then, I was so hungry and was out of seeds and I just grabbed something that was in the frig and started eating it even though it was cold, and then realized. OFW.

But tonight I will do the oil enema, later before bed, since the new bag arrived.

I received instructions from my Doc that I need to break a sweat from the morning 20 min oil massage so I will have to take a bath in the morning with 3 cups of sea salt in it.

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