Ayurveda Pancha Karma Pre-Cleanse, Day 4

American Pitta with a Vata Imbalance

I had to be somewhere by 930. I woke up at 630am again without prompt, having finally fallen asleep after midnight. Not sure what this is about. Tired.

I did my morning meditation 20 minutes and my Hung Meditation and THEN I did the Nayasa Oil sinus thing and THEN I did the oil pull and THEN I had a glass of water and then my 1 cup of black tea, and then I had some Muesili with hot water...all by 8am ...

POOP!!! yahoo!!!

I skipped the 20 min oil massage and shower...

while also getting dressed and working on this new2me iPhone 7 Kent gave me...and was out the door by 915 to my 930 on time.

From there, at noon, I headed to the health food store to replenish my water supply while I wait for the filters to arrive...got to wear my fucking stupid mask in the store - it's one-ply chiffon - can't wait to get my GUTS back...

and I ate some of those rice GF crackers in the car... I tried to chew them into a warm mush in my mouth to see if that works...

Heidi responded to my text that grains can cause heart burn - but the crackers are simply just seeds and non gf flours. I don't know. Maybe it's just too complex for my intestines to handle right now.

Got home with my 5 gal of water and the Katajari herb is in the mailbox! Yes it VERY bitter. But I don't mind it. It's nothing compared to whiskey so it's nothing.

Decided to eat lunch. Brocolli and half a sweet potato. I already cooked these yesterday and the day before - need to eat the sweet potato soon because it's been a while - 2 days maybe,

But this is how I have to do it with Kent because he teaches online from home from 5-9 and I can't make any noise in the house during that time. So I cook everything before and then heat it up as needed. I might put the sweet potato into my squash soup from yesterday... that would taste better.

I have not eaten red meat since maybe a month ago - so that blows up that idea I used to get that "I need it because I get light headed" - that's good information for me. I thought I needed it for my O negative blood type... I must not need it because I am still here... excellent information!

I do intend to be at least vegetarian, if not vegan, off this cleanse...even though we have a freezer full of meat...

After cooking, I took 16 oz of blueberries and reorganized my shed. It was a lot of work but I got it all done by about 5pm when I had my Katajari dose and then ate the squash soup with mung beans and beet kraut. I ate only half of that. I also had rice crackers with peanut butter and I made some Cumin/Coriander/Fennel Tea that Heidi recommended. I didn't like it very much, but I think its good for digestion.

I am very tired now. I'm not sure if I will do the enema because I don't have the new bag yet - still the super leaky bag.

I feel the same - sciatica, abdomenal discomfort (which I have always had), but emotionally, I am hopeful.

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