Ayruvedic Pancha Karma Cleanse, Part 2

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I attended my appointment and was given these instructions:
September 14: Pre-Cleanse 2-3 Weeks

  1. Oil Massage: Before shower in the morning or before bath in the evening (before bed) with Sunflower Oil and Essential Oils as desired for 20-30 minutes -- then sweat in bath or shower
  2. Kutaja: 1/8-1/4 tsp before meals for 3 times daily for 2 weeks.
  3. Nasya Oil: ghee or Sunflower Oil
  4. Oil Pulling: Avacado Oil with clove, tea tree, peppermint oil.

EAT: LOTS of warm water with lime or lemon...
Nothing Cold and Raw for 2 Months...
Only warm, cooked, soft, moist, foods
Breakfast: steamed broccoli with ghee and black pepper
Quinoa with roasted seeds or nuts
Oatmeal with blueberries, Warm apple sauce or pears,
Gluten Free grilled vegan cheese with avocado on GF tortilla
She says I have a Gluten Intolerance now NO!!!!
Lunches and dinners: Soups, stews, quinoa, cooked veggies, stirfrys, baked or steamed...
Snacks: Roasted seeds or nuts or warm fruits.

  1. At the end of the 2 weeks (Sept 28) pre-cleanse, drink before bed 2 tbsp ghee or sunflower oil in a little warm tea or water for 5 days

October 3
after 5 days of drinking the oil, for 2 days, skip breakfast. Instead drink, 6-12 cups of warm salt water (GACK!!!) 8 cups equals 2 quarts water plus 3 tbsp salt or 4 cups equals 1 quart - 1.5 tbsp salt...drink not too fast, but not too slow about 730-8am, then rest. Then you will have the urge for call of #2. Diarrhea for 30-90 minutes... Then hydrate on warm herbal tea: chamomile, peppermint, rhoibos, tulsi, herbal chai, fennel seeds and cardamom pods, and fenugreek seeds, boil for 10 minutes. Eat soup, veggie, lentil, bean, or stews, steamed veggies and quinoa.

It is recommended that I do this fast in Spring and Fall, forever. At least she did not tell me it was all gonna get done in this cleanse, but she said that I do have a parasite that has been living in there since I was a kid - 57 years! YUCK!!! She said as much as my body is ready to release will come out in the PURGE, but it will continue to deepen with each cleanse I do.

After the PURGE there will be 3 months of enemas 3 times a week I think she said.

She said the COFFEE enema that I did this week is much too strong and she will perscribe certain herbs for me to make a decoction of for enemas.

My ENEMA bag arrived in the mail TODAY - I simply could not find an enema bag anywhere except online - SAD.

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