Day 6, Pre-cleanse of Ayurveda Pancha Karma

Pitta with Vata imbalance...

Day 6 - I got up, did my meditations, did my nostril oil, did the oil pull, drank tea, drank water, ate some meusili warm, and was about to oil for 20 minutes when I got the message that Kent was on his way home so I couldn't proceed -

i did it yesterday - I reasoned.

I packed my bags and went out of town - while there I ate gf crackers with peanut butter, a pint of blueberries, and seeds and 2 black licorice TWIZZLERS...

when i got home I had more of yesterdays mush I made - squash, ghee, beet kraut and avocado with salt.

No poop today. Not sure what I am missing...maybe enemas - waiting for enema bag. Water filters arrived for reverse osmosis filter long over due...

Tomorrow, I try again. My whole life is a vata-imbalance and i may be to imbalanced to actually finish this cleanse - we shall see.

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