Maledictus Terra Book 2: Sanguifex Part 54

Greetings All

When we last left off with Zak's update the young prince had finally lost his cool. Let's see how he handles this situation.
Everyone was cowled by the sudden fury that had erupted from the prince. None were more surprised than the princess, who looked at her brother in a new light. She had never known him to lose his temper, not once in their entire life. He had never been allowed to lose his temper; their father had seen to that.

“No King is befitting of a temper tantrum.”

It was ironic because Johnathan was known for his temper and scream matches he would have time to time with advisors and their mother. Magna had been fighting the bubbling rage in herself for so long that she forgot her brother must have been fighting his own whispers and nightmares.

Magna relaxed and pushed her blade away from her. Then raised her hands and lowered her forehead to the ground. She could feel the anger from her uncle and he too relaxed. She could hear him whisper to Trix, and then she too relaxed. That left the Lifedrinker, and while he was on his knees, he was staring daggers at the boy. Magna barely recognized the eyes staring at the Lifedrinker coldly. She was about to beg him to relax when Adrian said something. She had no idea what language he spoke, but Mortis looked at him in surprise, in as much surprise as a revenant could, and Lucien immediately dropped his head to place his forehead on the ground.

“Of course. I will always keep my oath, especially if it has been transferred.”
That confused Magna, but she remained where she lay. Her brother had all the control now, something she wasn’t used to.

Anna slowly raised a hand and placed it on Adrian’s shoulder, “I think that is enough Prince Adrian. You have proved your point.”

Adrian’s shoulders collapsed inward, and he almost collapsed to his knees, but the Blaze knight kept him upright. As soon as his power ran out, the holding spell lifted and everyone could move again. Mortis was the first to reach the prince’s side. He gripped his shoulder and asked, “When did your uncle teach you that?”

“He didn’t.” whispered Adrian.

Mortis realised the implication and sighed softly before patting the boy’s shoulder, “Say what you need to say.”

Adrian pointed to Lucien and said, “Get up and stop treating my family as if they are circus freaks.”

“Freaks, no dear prince, they are superior…” Lucien looked up but stopped in mid-sentence when Sebastian growled at him.

Adrian flicked his eyes to his uncle and the king put his back to the wall and slid down it to come to rest on the floor. Trix half chuckled and joined him, taking off her helm. Adrian returned his gaze to Lucien. The Lifedrinker had crossed his legs beneath him and seemed to be gauging the boy.

“So, Adiran have left my oath in your hands. I’m curious. Did he leave me anything else?”

Adrian rattled off in the language that no one else understood but Lucien. The Lifedrinker nodded his head and said, “I will send some shadow scouts to deal with the matter of the reptile. There will be no need to hunt further for him. Now your quest is here, and I will soon pay off my debt. That is what Adiran told you, no?”

“Debt?” asked Magna as she too finally sat up.

“Adiran and Lucien had a deal, a binding contract of sorts.” Started Adiran.

“One I initiated because I needed help. And as Masters go, Adiran rarely called upon me while allowing me the type of freedom I wouldn’t get from another. I must know, will this be enough to break the contract?”

“Do you want it broken?” countered the prince.

The Lifedrinker fell silent, refusing to answer the question.

“I thought so.” Said Adrian.

He then sat down and bade everyone else do the same. He then looked at Lucien and asked, “Can this be reversed?”

Lucien frowned and looked out of the window where the storm clouds had gathered once more. He slowly shook his head, but his gaze fell upon Sebastian and Trix.

“The things outside are beyond anything I can fix; perhaps even what gods can fix. These two,” he sucked air between his teeth before he continued. “Maybe, but there is no guarantee that it won’t leave them with some scars. However, to treat them you must understand what we were trying to do.”

“You wanted to remove the Hungers.” Said Magna.

“That’s an oversimplification of what we were doing. That said, what some of us were doing.” Lucien sighed.

The Lifedrinker looked up at Mortis and said, “It’s highly likely that the curse that created your bond to the land was started with what my first master did.”

The revenant felt something flutter in his chest. It was an abnormal feeling, and he wasn’t sure what it was. Did his heart jump?

“You two are on your way to becoming a new form of Lifedrinker.” Said Lucien as he looked at Trix and Sebastian. “A hybrid form if you would, likely due to the first still existing, though I don’t know how that is even possible.”

“Aren’t Lifedrinkers created by sharing blood?” asked Leopold.

“That is a bastardisation of how a Lifedrinker can be created, but it’s so much more than that, yet also less.”

Lucien sighed, “When I was young, my master was seeking to become a god.”

The word stunned everyone into silence before Sebastian burst out laughing.
“A god, oh that must have been so simple. I can’t wait to hear how you screwed this up.”

“I thought you were looking for a way to fight the blood hunger.” Said Adrian.
“The blood hunger was a side effect of the experiments to become, what we thought, was immortality. Most of us didn’t know about my master wanting to become a god and challenge those who oversaw the balance of this world.”
Well, now, back to you @zakludick. Have fun buddy!

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Mortis Custos



by @zakludickby @lex-zaiya
Part 1Part 2
Part 3Part 4
Part 5Part 6
Part 7Part 8
Part 9Part 10
Part 11Part 12
Part 13Part 14
Part 15Part 16
Part 17Part 18
Part 19Part 20
Part 21Part 22
Part 23Part 24
Part 25Part 26
Part 27Part 28
Part 29Part 30
Part 31Part 32
Part 33Part 34
Part 35Part 36
Part 37Part 38
Part 39Part 40
Part 41Part 42
Part 43Part 44
Part 45Part 46
Part 47Part 48
Part 49Part 50
Part 51Part 52
Part 53Part 54– You are here
Part 55 - Coming SoonPart 56– Coming Soon

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