Maledictus Terra Book 2: Sanguifex Part 46

Greetings readers

I hope your week is winding down to an enjoyable weekend. I hope to have a few days off to enjoy myself, as I finished a project before I thought I would. So I am thrilled.

Where we last left our adventurers, they were looking for Rhys, and Adrian had a way to get them to their next clue. Please read the update by @zakludick before you start on this addition.
It was easier said than done. Adrian had forced Magna to look to her feelings about Derrik, but he hadn’t steeled himself in the same way. He wanted everyone to reach where they were going safely, but this level of magic was new, and he was underpracticed. While his body was a vessel to the magic of the land and beyond, it wasn’t trained and he had no idea if this was going to work or not, or if he even had the strength for it.

He took a deep breath in and released it slowly, before taking another one through his nose and holding it for a few seconds. He concentrated on expanding those seconds, changing the reality and time he stood in. The place they needed to go wasn’t like the memory stone world, or even the shadow world Trix had shown him. This was a layer between the known layers. A pocket dimension that was created to store things of importance. It was protected, which is why it needed a key to get into. Adrian was the key, but he could only allow this ability to be passed on to a few others. He prayed that he would have enough strength to do what he needed.

He released his breath and allowed the magic to flow from him toward those gathered around him. Pale smoke started to envelop his followers, Adrian made sure to leave Derrik for last as he was unsure of what would happen. The smoke tentatively touched the wolf, as if sensing the wielder’s hesitance. It was blown back at first, but Adrian concentrated harder and found that he could surround the wolf, but the mist was no longer a soft grey but a vibrant purple.

The prince was sure that no one could see what he was doing, as they all looked at him in confusion. To them, time was moving normally, to him, it was stretching out indefinitely. Adrian closed his eyes and took one more breath before he started muttering under his breath. He raised his right hand and reached for the resistance he knew would be there, almost like a zip that had gotten stuck on its track. He gripped it and concentrated on the next part of the spell, opening the veil. He needed to be careful with his thoughts. He had to ensure that they would all go to the same place and not end up in a trap, which could easily happen with a spell such as this. He slowly pulled downward as he released the breath he held in his body. This needed to be done in one smooth motion.

Derrik watched the prince and could see exactly what he was doing. He could see him reach for something above his head and cut open the world before them. The smell that hit the wolf made him recoil. The air was fetid, old, and full of things he couldn’t identify. He felt heat radiate from his claws and he knew he needed to be the first to go through the tear that was created. He didn’t know how he knew, but he knew. So, before Adrian could start indicating that people should move through, Derrik padded through first. He knew he needed to be on the other side to keep the magic alive while Adrian worked from this side.

Adrian wasn’t started when Derrick walked through the tear first. It somehow felt right, and he felt the spell strengthen as soon as the tip of his tail had gone through. Not faltering in his incantation or his hold on the tear, he waved the rest of their companions through. One by one, everyone moved through. Magna refused to leave her brother alone on this side of the magic. As soon as Trix and Sebastian had moved through, she grabbed her brother’s free hand and stepped through, pulling him after her.

Adrian didn’t release his hand from where it gripped the air until he felt the old, cold air surrounding him. He then started the reversing spell and pulled his hand up, closing the tear he had created. If he did it just right, he would be able to use this location again. He just needed to ensure his words and actions were correct.

Derrik had left those who had come with him behind as he started padding along the corridor, he found himself in. This place was ancient, and it smelled of aged decay. Nothing had been in these halls in a long time, so long that he doubted this was the place that Adiran wanted them to go. The wolf wasn’t sure Adrian had done the spell correctly, but then a scent reached his nose. It was a scent he knew but hadn’t smelled in a while.

The damn dragon thing!

His thought echoed throughout the hall as if he had shouted, causing Adrian to falter in his spell just as he was about to finish it. There was a strange whooshing sound and his hand bounced back from what he had been holding. He tried to reach for it again, but it was gone. He blinked a few times, but the spell was gone, and he had no idea if he would ever be able to use this veil again.

Hiding his annoyance, he turned to view his companions who were trying to understand how they had heard Derrik with their ears instead of their mind. Only Mortis seemed to be looking at their surroundings. This place was old, for centuries, and it shouldn’t be standing. There was dust everywhere, but the stonework looked immaculate.

“Where are we, young prince?” he finally asked.
And now @zakludick can take it from here.
Here is an explanation of Chain Stories and here is the current Chainstory Library

Mortis Custos



by @zakludickby @lex-zaiya
Part 1Part 2
Part 3Part 4
Part 5Part 6
Part 7Part 8
Part 9Part 10
Part 11Part 12
Part 13Part 14
Part 15Part 16
Part 17Part 18
Part 19Part 20
Part 21Part 22
Part 23Part 24
Part 25Part 26
Part 27Part 28
Part 29Part 30
Part 31Part 32
Part 33Part 34
Part 35Part 36
Part 37Part 38
Part 39Part 40
Part 41Part 42
Part 43Part 44
Part 45Part 46– You are Here
Part 47 – Coming SoonPart 48– Coming Soon

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