Coronavirus Files – June 2020


In June Coronavirus Hoax got first face mask mandates, despite the previous statements of the ‘experts’ like Fauci that “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.” Well, he now advise two or even three masks…

Creating an archive of Coronavirus texts will not only allow evidence of the greatest global fraud to remain on the blockchain platform, but will also make it easier to search for all the evidences of a Hoax.

Timeline is going from the bottom of the text up.

60. Coronavirus Hoax: The Right to Breathe (June 30th)

Face masks charade would be too silly if it was not enforced over the population. And with enforcing comes division in society to the people who refuse to obey obvious stupidity and those who are too scared to think. Youtube censors any proof that face masks actually can harm you more than a ‘virus’…

59. Coronavirus Hoax: Masks [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Маске (June 26th)

The face mask insanity started. All the globalist–obedient states are mandating face masks despite the fact imprinted at the very box of masks that says in big letters: “WARNING: THIS PRODUCT IS AN EAR LOOP MASK. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A RESPIRATOR AND WILL NOT PROVIDE ANY PROTECTION AGAINST COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) OR OTHER VIRUSES OR CONTAMINANTS.

Listen what prominent German doctors and experts, who are banned from the access to corporate media, have said about the hoax at the press conference in Berlin on May 7th (German and Serbian languages).

58. Coronavirus Hoax: Empty Coffins in Brazil (June 22th)

Another scandalous hoax revealed, this time in Brazil. Five members of the Brazil parliament were acting on a tip that something was going wrong at this hospital, and allegedly they have an encouragement by president Bolsonaro to break in and check to see the number of patients there. They found nobody! What was more shocking still was the decision to open the coffins supposedly awaiting transport to be buried, of coronavirus victims. Opening the coffins, the MP’s were shocked, but not surprised, when they were found to be empty. Youtube, of course, diligently removes critical videos…

57. Coronavirus Hoax: The Thinking Stuff (Part II) (June 20th)

Chosen memes with the aim of encouraging critical thinking about the Coronavirus Hoax.

56. COVID-19 — Plandemic Plunder and a ‘Second Wave’ [eng/срп] COVID-19 — Пландемијска пљачка и ‘други талас’ (June 19th)

Brian Young, our @highimpactflix, have come up with a convincing evidence that US government knew for the ‘pandemic’ a year before it happened! Just watch when was Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act put into the procedure: on January 24, 2019!

55. Coronavirus: The World of Lies (June 7th)

A 93-page report compiled by German medical experts entitled KM4 Analyse des Krisenmanagements not only destroys coronavirus Hoax, but also warns to the tragic consequences of the Corona theater. Even “Das Bild” published an alarming text entitled: “Dramatic consequences of the Corona-Measures: 52,000 Cancer Ops delayed.”

But that was just a blip in a corporate media propaganda machinery. They returned to their dirty criminal job hiding the fact that there are perfectly safe and cheap lifesaving drugs like hydroxychloroquine. Instead of announcing the good news, they gave wide publicity to a fake study of a fake company called Surgisphere, whose ‘experts’ are a science fiction writer and an adult content model! A porn-star! Fake study about hydroxychloroquine that tried to discredit the tested drug was retracted from the Lancet magazine after only 13 days, but – you guessed it – the corporate media did not publish it.

David William Pear, journalist from the explains how so called ‘liberalism’ creates a World of lies…

54. COVID-19 — P(l)andemic Plunder [eng/срп] COVID-19 — П(л)андемијска пљачка (June 5th)

The investigation of each and every crime begins with the question: who had the motive for the crime? Who benefited the most? Qui bono? Here you can find a list of biggest Coronavirus Hoax winners in just 11 weeks since March 18th, expressed in billions of dollars…

53. Коронавирус: Демонско ‘решење’ (Serbian – June 4th)

Упознајте чудовиште – зове се Керол Џ. Бејкер из Хјустона је, и достојан је наследник нацистичког демона Јозефа Менгелеа. Њено решење? Решите се свих белаца! Они не желе да се вакцинишу! Она има пуну подршку Фондације Била и Мелинде Гејтс и Фајзера. Медицински одбор Тексаса утврдио је да „није повређено ниједно правило одбора“. Ово морате видети да бисте веровали…

„Дакле, ја имам решење. Сва истраживања објављена у последњих пет година, кад посматрате људе који одбијају вакцину… Не говорим о оклевању, већину таквих можемо да убедимо да је прихвате. Али не и оне који одбијају. Просто ћемо се решити свих белаца у Сједињеним Државама“
— Керол Бејкер на стручној трибини под називом „Постизање успешне вакцинације у детињству у САД“, под покровитељством Националног удружења за менингитис у Њујорку 9. маја 2016.

Ако знате енглески, можете прочитати и сведочење Јана Хејдона, заморчета у „Модерни“ која испитује вакцину за Ковид-19 на људима.

У овом тексту можете још видети и Џорџа Галовеја, који се потпуно поклекнуо пред лавином лажних бројева сервираних путем корпоративних медија, користећи ‘аргументе непобитне истине’ тих истих корпоративних медија и сопствене изузетке уместо званично потврђених бројева. Свако ко се препусти неумољивој пропаганди, без обзира на степен интелигенције и образовања, неминовно долази до тачке слома…

52. Coronavirus: A Demon’s ‘Solution’ (June 2nd)

Meet the monster – her name is Carol J. Baker from Houston, and she is a worthy successor of Nazi demon Josef Mengele. Her solution? Get rid of all whites! They do not want to be vaccinated! And she has full support of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Pfizer. The Texas Medical Board finds ‘no board rule has been violated’. You have to see this to believe…

You also can read the testimony of Ian Haydon, a ModeRNA Covid-19 vaccine human guinea pig.

You also can see George Galloway, who completely fell for the fake numbers served through corporate media, while using the same corporate media ‘arguments of undeniable truth’ and his personal exceptions, instead of officially confirmed numbers. Anyone who indulges in relentless propaganda, regardless of the intelligence and education level, inevitably comes to a breaking point…

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Related posts / Повезани текстови:

Coronavirus Files – May 2020

Coronavirus Files – April 2020

Coronavirus Files – March 2020

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