From “Tenta” to “Titan”..... Cute Maine Coon kittens


If you remember, “Tenta” is a cute Maine Coon kitten of my brother’s friend that I introduced to you 5 months ago,
@tangmo/tenta-a-cute-maine-coon-kitten and @tangmo/tenta-a-cute-maine-coon-kitten-part-ii. Due to the cuteness of this kind of cat, my brother decided to buy a new Maine Coon kitten for his own recently and named him “Titan”.

As I told you before, the name of “Tenta” came from the favorite cartoon of my brother’s friend, while the name of “Titan” came from my brother’s favorite cartoon.

In the beginning, I was confused about their names as they are so similar.... Haha! ;D

Titan is 3 months old now and has a lighter color than Tenta. He looks so calm and not naughty as Tenta.




I haven’t seen Tenta for 3 months, he has a new friend now. She is a cute female Maine Coon, named “Delfin” (the name of a flower).

(Above is Tenta and below is Delfin.)


When Titan was still with his sisters and brothers in the cat farm.

They are soooo cute and I love them all.





Titan is now living in my house with Piggy (my female Shih Tzu dog, 12 years old). Although it took some time, they are now good friends and play together sometimes....

Piggy always felt excited while playing with Titan, but Titan doesn't seem to be interested in playing with Piggy, (In fact, Titan loves to play with toys more than Piggy), as you will see in the video I share below..... Haha! ;D

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