
Just like they got rid of diving boards off swimming pools in America in the 1980's, all over the United States, they are trying to remove cops, sheriffs, police, via the liability thing.


Leftists, globalists, and others, are using the Covid Lockdown and the race wars to divide and conquer so that they can destroy and then therefore take over the USA as they have been taking over other countries and they have done it before.

Academic Papers

1961, they wrote in academic papers that they would have terminals, like an Internet of things, a way to monitor people and then to control people. That is when they were declassifying those papers, those plans. They also talked about living in water hooked up to machines as seen in the film, The Matrix, and they talked about that decades before the 1990's and Hollywood was simply revealing their plans to us to either wake us up to it or to get us to not care about it.

Sunrise Movement

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Oatmeal Daily - 2020-06-07 - Sunday
Published in June of 2020

SOROS SONIC COVER Screenshot at 2020-06-07 15:27:39.png
Sonic Soros Video on Bitchute

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Categories | Communities | Directories | Timelines | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

09:10 PM - 12:10 AM - Nap

Shattered Paradise

12:18 AM - The Hidden Luciferian Kingdom: Hindsight is 2020 - TRAILER

General Shepherd

12:28 AM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Fri 06/05/20 Full Show

Bad Cops Symptom

12:38 AM - Hive Comment

But those alleged police are not police. Fascism has been in America since at least the 1930's if not longer and that is very bad as fascism and other things tries to infiltrate and destroy countries in a variety of ways. Police brutality is a minor symptom of larger issues. Police brutality has been declining after the 1990's in a variety of ways, partly due to increased regulations, laws, and that started causing side-effects, as in increased crime and other problems. Too many police, especially police at the top, have been leftists, etc, and too many good cops are not allowed to work themselves up the ladder. A cop I knew was telling me this in the 1990's and others have been speaking out on it as well for years. We are being distracted by minor symptoms while ignoring root causes that lie under our noses.

Fixing Hive Problems

01:08 AM - Hive

You could tell people on Discord. They have some Discord chat rooms for Hive people and the different apps including Esteem.

Contrasting Light & Darkness

01:33 AM - Facebook

This is the irony that we see in the world. I said what Soren Kircher said. I said the same thing. But sadly, as seen in this thread, in life, even when you say the same things, exactly, people will come in and say they agree with respect and yet will turn around to disrespect you in complete contrast. Sadly, we are to focus on one person while murdering police. Plus, millions of people were being discouraged from attending funerals and other things in 2020. Beyond that, the story continues into 2021, you will see as I've been writing about this since at least 2018 or longer in some ways. But I try to encourage people not to spend too much time arguing with lost souls who choose to live in darkness. So, it's fundamental to educate others to an extent. Show people what is happening and move on. Sometimes, you have to find a way into the heart of those you talk to. Sometimes, a person will choose not to talk to you even as you can save them from the darkness that they love. In those situations, it may be better to pass that burden to another person and to move on. It's all about doing the best you can with each opportunity you get. I explain myself on my blog. The link to my blog is under my avatar, my profile picture, that is in the bio, the About section of my Facebook profile. There is a lot that I say on my blog that I cannot say on Facebook. But every once in a while, I do try to say a few things on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. So, I don't even have time to tell people right now outside of my blog about what the United Nations is saying and what the plan is for the fall of 2020 specifically. I don't even have time to talk about that guy with glasses and some of the things he has been doing and saying regarding the next few years and beyond. And I don't even have time right now, and Facebook might even ban me again, if I talk about the hundreds of millions of people in this world who are dying right now and I am pretty sure Facebook will ban me just for saying that alone outside of all of these other things I am not saying and many people are talking about this and there are great videos and other things that shows people what to do and what we are doing and if you are reading this then you are the future and you are able to make a difference in the world as you are aware in contrast to too many people who are sadly too excessively blind for the moment.

Why So Serious Joker Question

01:43 AM - Facebook

Abraham Mwale, why are you so racist? Are you from Chicago? I write about how people cannot go to funerals. You say that is good. Old people died because they were alone and depressed because it was illegal for their children and grandchildren to see them. When I say old people, I mean black old people, white old people, yellow old people, brown old people, blue old people, pink old people, ghostly white old people. All colors of the rainbow. All races. All sexes. All genders. Old people are people. I like freedom. I love liberty. I hate big government. But they try to tell us that we have to stay at home. But that is bad. People die when they are at home because that means no food. When you stay in your house, you do not get sunlight. But your body needs sunlight. You need to and should be around other people. But they said it's illegal to be with your family and friends. That's bad. You should be with your family and friends. That's good. We should love each other and help each other out. But they said it's illegal to help each other out. I don't even have time right now to talk about the statistics that you would not want to read. Abe responded by saying he is not racist. But he is. Then he continues to call me names and stuff, as if I wrote nothing. Abraham Mwale, Why are you not reading what I write? You did not read what I wrote. You are ignoring details. I say ten different things and you are not thinking about the different things that I wrote. People are dying. But you are racist towards those people because you do not talk about them. That makes you racist because you do not want to help people live.

Finding Great Admins & Contributors

01:51 AM - Facebook

Fitri Astuti, the philosophy is simple. When admins make admins who then make more admins, then you have more and more admins. Why? Good question. Why do I want more admins? Because when you have more admins, then it's more probable, statistically, that some of the admins will invite more and more members and statistically speaking, on average, more people means more contributors, potentially in theory. That's my bet and my philosophy. When you make people into admins, then some of them may feel like they are very important with this special job as an admin and then they may contribute as some admins can be contributors and they may be even more encouraged to invite more and more people as they feel so powerful as admins. Because being an admin is like being a king. When a person refuses to be an admin, that is very silly. Being an admin means power and it means the ability to lead and many people don't want to lead and that is why it is hard to find many good leaders, kings, presidents, governors, and admins. That's why you have to make many admins, the more the better, because, statistically speaking, only a few people will choose to become great admins and it can be very hard to find them and only some some people are great contributors and it is very hard to find them and it is crucial to look and look and look all day for the great admins and contributors. It's like planting seeds. When I try to make people into admins and contributors, it's like throwing seeds on the ground and some seed may land on rocks or hard soil and may not grow. But some seeds may find good soil and grow big and tall. 2 sisters, older and younger. They went to New York. My older brother does ministry in Honduras. My parents are alive and well. My parents divorced after I graduated high school.


I was living in Hawaii and girls would put flowers in their hair.

Saving the World

02:44 AM - Facebook

Why are you hitting me in the face? Are you inside my body? You are not inside my head or heart. But you claim you are inside my soul. So, you must be a prophet. I write books. But you are telling me that you will never ever read my books. So, you do not want to look at me. I write and you react. But sadly, you don't want to think about what I say. I tell people about how supply chains have been breaking. That is bad and millions of people around the world are dying in 2020 because of that. I have been writing about these problems for years. But you went onto my Facebook to say that I am a bad person, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, because I love people. I am bad because I love people so much that I try to save people. I tell people to accept Christ as their Savior and to do what they can to take care of each other. It starts with education. So, I went to Vietnam and taught English to people for five years.

Star Girl 101

2020-06-07 - Sunday - 03:18 AM - 04:13 AM - Star Girl 101

She moves with her step-dad who was friends with former super heroes. She goes to a new school in like Nebraska where people say hello to everybody everywhere in the small town. She stands up to bullies but gets in trouble by the school which is retarded. THe sword pulls her off. The name of the good guys is JSA. That is my initials.

Sleep to 11:30 AM


11:45 AM - Facebook

Andrea Adams, You have to ask Lamin who has leaving me terrible private messages that I try to ignore and he leaves similar comments on other random posts of mine the past several weeks, randomly, every once in a while he comes to my Facebook to swear at me. There has been no consistency regarding which posts and comments and pictures he chooses to reply to with what you might see here but again and again regardless of what I may or may not write.

Stefan Molyneux

11:49 AM - The Arrest and Death of George Floyd: An Ex-Cop's View

Tarzan Joey

12:09 PM - Facebook

When I was a kid, I enjoyed climbing trees like Tarzan.

Organzing hard drives, folders, files, etc.


Updates on church stuff


02:01 PM - Magic Johnson Debates LeBron vs Jordan

Are you at a different level now, next year and the next year, each year?

Scanning Pics



Red Guy

03:30 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - Sunday June 7, 2020


Lionel Nation

04:17 PM - Lionel Nation Live Stream: The Protests Were A Colossal Flop: It's Over!

Dishes. Sweep. Mop.

Defuse the bomb called people.



Before you can redirect like Kung Fu


Finished scanning 74 pics today.


06:52 PM - Rice, chicken, sauce, garlic powder, pepper, salt, on bean soup thing.

General Shepherd

06:54 PM - The Alex Jones Show Sun 06/07/20 Full Show 720p

Just like they got rid of diving boards off swimming pools in America in the 1980's, all over the United States, they are trying to remove cops, sheriffs, police, via the liability thing.

Leftists, globalists, and others, are using the Covid Lockdown and the race wars to divide and conquer so that they can destroy and then therefore take over the USA as they have been taking over other countries and they have done it before.

Academic Papers

1961, they wrote in academic papers that they would have terminals, like an Internet of things, a way to monitor people and then to control people. That is when they were declassifying those papers, those plans. They also talked about living in water hooked up to machines as seen in the film, The Matrix, and they talked about that decades before the 1990's and Hollywood was simply revealing their plans to us to either wake us up to it or to get us to not care about it.

Satanist Lenin

It took like ten years to take over Moscow and they were taking over all over Russia and people would submit and they asked Lenin who to kill as they were submitting and not rebelling and he yelled to kill half of each city or to kill anybody with glasses or whatever or I will have you killed as I need more blood. Lenin would worship Satan and that is the same with other leaders in other countries.

They would chop people up and put them in big cooking bowls.

Mao had a youth brigade that would come and literally Alex Jones I will eat your ass, my neighbors, but that was an allegory of Jonathan Swift. Not Taylor Swift. Chinese children and youth would go and burn down houses and eat people in the 1900's. The propaganda in China is in Vietnam and I've seen similar posters, pictures, signs, all over Vietnam.

Over 100 Million Murdered

Mao and Communist China killed at least 85 million Chinese people at that time according to them and another 25 million people after the time of Mao or much more in the 1990's and not to mention the last twenty years of the 2000's.

I was watching an incredible show today.

Gum Cancer

There is stuff they put in chewing bubble gum that makes it addictive and gives you cancer. So, kids are getting cancer.

5G Cancer

5G is very bad and 4G is bad too and 5G is very bad.


Many of the people in vaccine trials are dying and they ban famous people who are in those trials or who talk about it on Twitter.

The V word will get you banned on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.

Stay at Home Murder

Staying at home means you cannot go to the store to buy food.

Shark Tank

They try to help not small businesses but big businesses get bigger and the lady asked how they can compete with companies with billions of dollars and how do you stop people from copying you. All these questions are brain washing people away from free markets and towards monopolies, corporation, cronyism, fascism, etc. It's dangerous to encourage the world to try to protect products and services as that in fact hurts the smaller businesses in the long-term from competing, from risk, from many different things. It's a dangerous mentality and I do not endorse the Shark Tank as a way of life. The show is nice and funny and helpful in some ways but the overall effects affects the international economic in a subliminal way that damages the ability for the playing field, the free market, to be as balanced and as competitive as possible. People should choose to buy from local stores as opposed to too exclusively and excessively from bigger businesses, stores, Walmart, Amazon, etc, kind of thing.

Stay at Home Kills

07:49 PM - Facebook

I asked if she stayed at home. Artchiel Silos said she goes out sometimes to buy food. Then you do not stay at home. The idea of staying at home means you never ever ever ever leave the house for anything at all, not for work, not for funerals, not for food, not for school, not for the hospital, not for family, not for friends, not for anything. When people say stay at home, they mean never leave your house for anything at all. What you talk about, when you go outside sometimes to buy food, that is normal and people have always stayed at home a lot for thousands of years and all around the world it is normal to stay at home a bunch. But this new 2020 Stay at Home idea is not that but is a new idea or is not that idea.

What's happening? And do not read my last post.

Millennial Millie

08:18 PM - Undercover Investigation - Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned

Sunrise Movement


The Sunrise Movement was a major player in triggering riots in 2020, that is terrorism. They took advantage of the death of George Floyd and others too as they usually do.

Banned TV

08:22 PM - Facebook

Jorge Peralta, I was watching this banned TV show that is so bad for you that it was banned off oranges, bananas, apples. The show I was watching stars a man who has my birthday but he was born eleven years before me. He talked about the v word which will get you banned off social networks for saying.

Twitter told people to go from Discord to Signal at the same time Discord said no terrorism please.

Wedding, Pool, Car

08:29 PM - Post

Some guys playing Billiards Pool. Two photos of that from the 1970's from maybe 1976 or something. Some photos of some people at a wedding or something in December of 1976. Also, somebody's car I'm guessing from the 1970's or early 1980's. Five photos in all for this post, for now.

Skin-Deep Guilt


08:43 PM - FBI's Most Wanted Con Artist Reveals Loopholes in The System

Sunrise Movement

09:24 PM - Hive Post

You grow up and you grow beyond the Rising Luck that you might be. Here are a few more photos from the 1980's of like family and friends. I'm joking about the Sunrise Movement as this is not about tearing things down but rather about building things up. But that doesn't mean I don't write about Sunrise sometimes.

Advice For Newbies

09:35 PM - Hive

If you're new, you can start with keeping a copy of your posts in a text file and not a word document file on your computer. I force myself to post a daily blog post. I simply have a template that I create and copy and paste into 30 text files or a month worth of posts. So, each day, I'm ready, I go to the text file and begin talking about what I ate for breakfast. I write down what I watch on YouTube. I will even copy and paste this comment here to my daily journal and include a link back to this. And I simply keep the daily diary file thing saved and on my laptop until the end of the day and then I copy and paste it to Hive, Steemit, Weku, Blogspot, etc, different websites. I try my best to post to at least ten or more different websites or maybe even blockchain social networks, etc, the more the better as you never know.

Looking For Oatmeal

09:40 PM - Hive

I was just writing on my Facebook that I love climbing trees, could it be destiny, how did you know, you had me at tree. Not hello but tree. Just tree. That's right. Orange you glad? Tree you glad I didn't say banana?

10:00 PM - 11:00 PM - Nap. Video games. Down a path into the earth or whatever that the game might have. Thinking you are winning but then perhaps the opposite is true. See people and you think about having adventures. choosing paths. Trying to turn off the game. Trying to figure out what it means. Doing things to win the video games. Trying to figure out which is which.


11:36 PM - 01:20 AM - Mafia Underboss Phil Leonetti Reveals The Dark Side of Philadelphia Crime Family

Stay away from organized crime.

Mafia people stab each other in the back.


Shattered Paradise

12:18 AM - The Hidden Luciferian Kingdom: Hindsight is 2020 - TRAILER

General Shepherd

12:28 AM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Fri 06/05/20 Full Show

Star Girl 101

2020-06-07 - Sunday - 03:18 AM - 04:13 AM - Star Girl 101

Stefan Molyneux

11:49 AM - The Arrest and Death of George Floyd: An Ex-Cop's View


02:01 PM - Magic Johnson Debates LeBron vs Jordan

Red Guy

03:30 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - Sunday June 7, 2020

Lionel Nation

04:17 PM - Lionel Nation Live Stream: The Protests Were A Colossal Flop: It's Over!

General Shepherd

06:54 PM - The Alex Jones Show Sun 06/07/20 Full Show 720p

Millennial Millie

08:18 PM - Undercover Investigation - Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned


08:43 PM - FBI's Most Wanted Con Artist Reveals Loopholes in The System


11:36 PM - 01:20 AM - Mafia Underboss Phil Leonetti Reveals The Dark Side of Philadelphia Crime Family

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