Inktober day 1 - Fish


I have to say that inking with real ink or drawing anything with a pencil feels really weird. As it happens, I haven't been inking for eleven months and the first time that I even tried drawing with ink and an inkpen was last year. During Inktober 2019. And I usually do not draw that much anymore with a pencil. It all happens with a computer.

But because of all that I think it's a good thing to do this, to challenge myself again. Even though there isn't any kind of contest or an upvote intitiative by OCD like last year there was.

But you all know what Inktober is for, to give you ideas to draw about, every day if you can and for the whole month. So learning how to draw should be a sufficient inducement and a reward on it's own. Getting better.

Then again I don't know about me, is it enough if I only draw thirty-one drawings once a year and apparently did not continue drawing and inking after that? The idea that continuing drawing after Inktober was kinda lost with me. I had plans but... Well, managed to do one. The number zero at September. I have drawn other stuff too during the year but nothing worth mentioning really. Usually it's something I sketch first and then scan or photograph it to continue working with it on the computer.

But yeah, enough with the explanations, only one thing I have to say before we start with Inktober and Rachel's story. It's this: if I dare to publish my shitty drawings here in order to perhaps get better at inking and to spread the word of Inktober, then you can do that too.

Join me! Inktober 2020!

Story continues


"Will you be forever mine and be Rachel Leanlegs?"

Wilson's words echoed in Rachel's brain although her brain was full of thoughts and things that mostly had nothing to do with the current state of their relationship. Rachel just was so busy all the time that she hadn't even thought of anything else than the things that needed to be done right that instant, or stuff that had everything to do with the future of their kids and what Rachel and Wilson would leave for them to inherit. A house, some land, a business. And how to make that business successful.

Wilson's words interrupted Rachel's ponderings about their latest doughnut invention. A fish doughnut. Rachel caught herself thinking that maybe it's not a good idea to put the whole fish in to the doughnut. Or perhaps is it a good flavor to begin with, fish flavor in a sweet doughnut. She was ready to give up and thought of changing the fish to something else, perhaps radish. That would be easier because radish doesn't try to jump out of the water buckets like the fish that they are so desperately trying to keep fresh because the nearest lake is so far... and then Wilson popped his question.

"Is life that easy" Rachel thought. "Be mine. Forever."

To be continued...

Where did it all start?
1-4, 5, 6, 7-8, 9, 10, 11-12, 13-14, 15, 16-18, 19-21, 22-23, 24-27, 28-29, 30-31


As I said before, inking felt really strange. My hand didn't do what I wanted it to do, my brain was somewhere else, the paper and the ink pen were weird and the idea of trying to draw a fish doughnut so that it would fit my story that tries to be weird and hopefully surprises people with it's twists, seemed impossible for a rookie inker like me.

But I did it.

First drawing was shit, second was shit, inkings too, ended up doing modifications to it with photoshop.

Now who the heck puts a fish in to a doughnut?!

Rachel did it.

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