Inktober day 7 and 8 - Enchanted and Frail


Story continues


"Enchanted to meet you."
Said the charmer at the door.
No-one had ever told Rachel that she was beautiful. Or that it was enchanting to meet her. Not with these fangs. So Rachel, a simple small town girl, was immediately sold. She gave her heart to him, even though he didn't ask it.


Rachel Rabbit and Harry Husky lived in the cottage that Rachel had built. Although Rachel was happy and she thought that Harry was perfect, kind, considerate and handsome, every morning when she curled her whiskers with Harry in front of the mirror, she thought that something was wrong. She felt that inside, despite her beautiful and charming life, she was about to break. She felt that this life made her frail.

To be continued...

Previous parts
1-4, 5, 6

I made a light table. To make my inking days easier. An upside down plastic box. The bright light is so bright that it's quite enough for me to do the inking to a blank paper. I also switched my Bauhaus pencil to a slightly longer pencil. Took it out from this artist pencil box. I had these all along in my drawer but I was just too lazy to dig them up. Until now. But I don't think these will make me draw any better. :D


And then things started to go wrong. I drew Enchanted three times, over and over again, tried to correct it by adding something which is usually always a bad thing, couldn't figure out why the dip pen was acting like an ass in my hands, tried different things with a brush and regular pen, added water and even draw some with an iron wire. I have to say that I'm not happy (considering my lack of skills) to any of these three options that I finally got.


So that's what I got and eventually got fed up with it. I was thinking that perhaps the paper was damp, I hadn't dried the dip pen well enough after previous inking or I just couldn't learn how to dip the pen. Meaning not too much. But after giving up I realized that I used different paper previously when I did the inking. And as that sunk in to my head, I moved on.

I love inking again. The grey parts are done with ink, brush and water.

See the left ear. I started coloring that too with the brush, realized what I was doing and tried to take it out with a damp cloth as much as I could so that I wouldn't have to do everything again. Not as good as before I did the mistake, but will do.


Rachel Rabbit in Instagram:

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