Tokenizing, Tokenizing...

Hive is burning in my pockets so what better way to get rid of it than tokenizing and tokenizing until the burning sensation is gone? So here we go.

This version of Mana on the cliff is one of my favourites. Such a delicious background color. And now I finally got it tokenized.


Have you read the story of Mana? Here's all the links to Mana's story.

Manart: On The Cliff 2 @insaneworks/mana-is-still-on-the-cliff
Manart: On The Cliff 1 @insaneworks/mana-on-the-cliff
Manavision: Mana and Panasonic Minivision @insaneworks/tsqerdig
Mana's New Year Story @insaneworks/not-mana-s-christmas-but-mana-s-new-year-story
What the (f)art says @insaneworks/what-the-f-art-says
Mana exploring @insaneworks/mana-exploring
Mana & friend @insaneworks/sunset-after-sunset-after-sunset-after-sunset
Mana was found @insaneworks/i-found-mana

Do you remember Rachel Rabbit? A story that was wrapped around Inktober 2019 and 2020 drawings.


I've been thinking about tokenizing Rachel Rabbit inkings but as there always has been too much new, other and in my mind, better ideas, I haven't gotten round to do that. Until now. One exception though, which I enhanced with an aphid and a little bit of color, but now there's more. I'm really critical about the whole Inctober drawings I did, although I do have few favourites. Here's two of them.


At the end of this post you'll find the whole story of Rachel Rabbit.

Ink aside, here comes photoshoppings!


Ever wondered what duck holes look like? No, what you just now imagined is not correct. At least in my world. This is Duckity Duck and duck holes.


And more birds so that the whole 6 piece series is almost completed. Only two missing but as I've bombarded the NFT Showroom with my art today so much, 5 to be exact, I'm going to take a break of all the tokenizing and come back another day with new things and ideas. Or renewed old art. Or with the art that I've already promised to tokenize.

But here's a sneak peek of something never seen before. Even I haven't seen it as it's not finished yet.


It's been so long since I've painted with oil colors. I dug an old incomplete painting out of the corner it tried to hide from me, looked at it for a while and decided that it needs something more than just oil paint. It needs words. But as this will be a long process as I will probably only continue painting it when the mood is just right, for the time being this is the only picture you'll get.

Can't wait to find out what this will become!

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