Sunset After Sunset After Sunset After Sunset

Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

– Do you ever feel gloomy, Mana?
I am Mana.
– I do. All the time.
– I am Mana.

Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

– The more beautiful the sunset is, the sadder I get. It reminds me of all those people who do not appreciate sunsets and nature. Who do not see how easy it is to ruin all that for me, for you, and for everyone, because there are people who just do not appreciate the nature and treat it with respect. I do not understand them. Why are they unwilling to see that we all are living with the borrowed time from our children?
– I am Mana.
– It reminds me of all those people who are just too busy to see the sunset. Who think it is vital to get everything they ever dreamed of, everything that someone should have by certain age. Everything, so that they would be respected because of the things they have. So they say they will stop and look at the sunset some other evening. But sunset after sunset, they don't stop, because they will never have enough things. They always have to do more and get more.
– I am Mana.
– It reminds me of all the people who do not get to see just one more sunset because someone decided otherwise. Because someone made the ultimate decision for them, and now their loved ones can never again see them and they can never again see another sunset.
– I am Mana.

Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

– And then there is injustice. Poor getting poorer. Discrimination. Homeless people. Hunger, anger, envy, greed, violence, hate, wars.
– I am Mana.

Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

– I wish I didn't care so much because this all makes me really sad.
– I am Mana.
– I wish someone would listen.
– I am Mana.

Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

– Oh, Mana.
– I am Mana.
– I feel a bit better now. Thank you Mana.
– I am Mana.

Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

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