Axie Infinity and its power to change lives. / Esp: Axie Infinity y su poder de cambiar vidas.

The story of how Axie is shown as a door to progress, think we can trace it back to various parts of the world. It really is a game that besides moving an admirable economic system, it also promotes social and human contributions to the users that make life in the community of players.

The different stories that have read, affirm what writing at the present moment of making this note. But, in this case would like to point out two contexts, which seem to me the most interesting to share and publicize here (honor to whom honor deserves).

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Story 1:

The pandemic has wreaked havoc in many parts of the world and no one escapes it. The Covid pandemic not only fractured millions of families, it also fractured the health and economic systems of many countries. Among these, the inhabitants of the Philippines, who had to see many projects unfinished or frustrated. The paralyzation of companies generated a high unemployment rate. However, no one could live on air, so they decided to live on Axie!

They became enthusiastic, invested in the game and educated themselves in order to develop the skills necessary to win in arena combat and adventure. Axie proved to be a gateway to the sun, earning money by playing and generating SLP (Small Love Potion), so they were soon able to bring food and nourishment to their family.

The context here is so positive because in addition to generating the income to pay bills, there is also the fact that it is an activity that people in the Philippines could do from the comfort of their homes, a very important fact in the pandemic!

Story 2:

Let's go now to Venezuela (my country of origin and where live), where the monthly salaries are about 2 $. Sincerely here nobody can eat with such a sum, it is more than sad the context because of the economic depression that the country is going through. But, since the economy has been broken even more, it has also been implemented the integration of alternative activities such as making a living in the different blockchains.

This is where Axie Infinity comes in and shows itself as a perfect option for Venezuelan gamers and visionaries. Who seeing the amount of money they can generate in the game assume the position of developing in this area, protecting their fears and sowing hope.

One of the real stories of how Axie has such a high impact on the lives of its users and that can support my present publication, is the story of Daboin. He is a Venezuelan gamer who went from a life of lack, to a life of opportunities and development. He started mainly as a scholarship holder, and then in partnership with a family member, he was able to acquire an owner's package. In turn, Daboin hopes to continue promoting the scholarship system, as a sign of gratitude and significant contribution to the community and Axie project.

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As well as the stories just told, there are many that have made their way around the Internet. These, in one way or another, show how Axie has developed a self-sustainable economic model, which is presented as a lifeboat to many users to improve their quality of life.

I believe and consider, from a very personal point of view, that this is when the weight of blockchain projects in the lives of ordinary people is demonstrated. This, strengthens the system and also helps in blurring the existing gaps and prejudices between society and its exploration of blockchain systems. In addition, Axie Infinity's working method develops the concept of establishing a true community and proclaims high human values such as teamwork. This fact, we can see supported through the multiple scholarship programs that provide opportunity for non-individual outreach and growth.


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This publication is made on the basis of preferential support to the Axie-Buzz Community

Publications of common interest:

Introducing Axie Buzz - A Place to Chat, Connect, Create, and Earn by Sharing your Passion For Axie Infinity!

How to Play Axie Infinity: Ultimate Gameplay Guide!

How to Apply for Axie Buzz Scholarship Program?


Join the Axie Buzz server on Discord


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If you have read this far thank you very much for your attention, kind regards: Ana Pialejo, under my user of : @pialejoana.

Note: Keep in mind that my native language is Spanish, so you may get some inconsistency. The translation was done with the help of


Versi贸n en Espa帽ol:

La historia de c贸mo Axie se muestra como una puerta al progreso, creo que podemos remontarla en diversas partes del mundo. Realmente es un juego que adem谩s de mover un sistema econ贸mico admirable, tambi茅n promueve aportes sociales y humanos a los usuarios que hacen vida en la comunidad de jugadores.

Las diversas historias que he le铆do, afirman lo que les escribo al momento presente de hacer esta nota. Pero, en este caso quisiera hacer notar dos contextos, donde me parecen los m谩s interesantes de compartir y publicitar aqu铆 (honor a quien honor merece).

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Historia 1:

La pandemia ha hecho estragos en muchas partes del mundo y ninguno escapa de ello. La pandemia del Covid adem谩s de fracturar millones de familias, tambi茅n fractur贸 los sistemas de salud y econ贸micos de muchos pa铆ses. Entre estos, de los habitantes de Filipinas, quienes tuvieron que ver muchos proyectos inconclusos o frustrados. La paralizaci贸n de empresas gener贸 una tasa alta de desempleo. Sin embargo, ninguno pod铆a vivir del aire, as铆 que decidieron vivir de Axie.!

Se entusiasmaron, invirtieron en el juego y se educaron en v铆as de desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para ganar en los combates en arena y aventura. Axie se mostr贸 como una puerta al sol, ganaban dinero jugando y generando SLP (Small Love Potion), as铆 prontamente pudieron llevar comida y alimentos a su familia.

El contexto aqu铆, es tan positivo porque adem谩s de generar los ingresos para pagar facturas, tambi茅n se suma el hecho de que es una actividad que los habitantes de Filipinas pod铆an realizar desde la comodidad de su casa, un hecho important铆simo en la pandemia!.

Historia 2:

Vamos ahora a Venezuela (mi pa铆s de origen y donde vivo), donde los salarios mensuales son de aproximadamente 2 $. Sinceramente aqu铆 nadie puede comer con tal suma, es m谩s que triste el contexto por la depresi贸n econ贸mica que atraviesa el pa铆s. Pero, desde que se ha quebrantado a煤n m谩s la econom铆a, tambi茅n se ha implementado la integraci贸n de actividades alternas como hacer vida en las diferentes cadenas blockchain.

Aqu铆, es cuando entra Axie Infinity y se muestra como una opci贸n perfecta para los gamers y visionarios venezolanos. Quienes al ver la cantidad de dinero que pueden generar en el juego asumen la postura de desarrollarse en este 谩mbito, resguardando aqu铆 sus miedos y sembrando esperanza.

Una de las historias reales de c贸mo Axie tiene un tan alto impacto de vida en sus usuarios y que puede afianzar mi publicaci贸n presente, es la historia de Daboin. Es un gamer venezolano que pas贸 de llevar una vida de carencias, a llevar una vida de oportunidades y desarrollo. Inici贸 principalmente como becado, y luego en conjunto de sociedad con un familiar, pudo adquirir un paquete de propietario. A su vez, Daboin espera seguir impulsando el sistema de Becas, como muestra de agradecimiento y aporte significativo a la comunidad y proyecto de Axie.

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As铆 como las historias reci茅n contadas, hay muchas que se han hecho resonar en la internet. 脡stas, muestran de una u otra forma como Axie ha desarrollado un modelo econ贸mico autosustentable, que se presenta como bote salvavidas a muchos usuarios para mejorar la calidad de vida.

Creo y considero, desde un punto de vista muy personal que es all铆 cuando se demuestra el peso que ejercen los proyectos blockchain en las vidas de personas comunes. Esto, afianza el sistema y adem谩s ayuda en la difuminaci贸n de las brechas y prejuicios existentes entre la sociedad y su exploraci贸n en los sistemas blockchain. Adem谩s, de que el m茅todo de trabajo de Axie Infinity, desarrolla el concepto del establecimiento de una verdadera comunidad y proclama altos valores humanos como trabajo en equipo. Este hecho, lo podemos ver sustentado a trav茅s de los m煤ltiples programas de becas que brindan oportunidad de alcance y crecimiento no individuales.


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La presente publicaci贸n se hace en base a apoyo preferencial a la Comunidad de Axie-Buzz

Publicaciones de inter茅s com煤n:

Introducing Axie Buzz - A Place to Chat, Connect, Create, and Earn by Sharing your Passion For Axie Infinity!

How to Play Axie Infinity: Ultimate Gameplay Guide!

How to Apply for Axie Buzz Scholarship Program?


[脷nete a Axie Buzz en Discord


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Si le铆ste hasta aqu铆 muchas gracias por su atenci贸n, atentamente: Ana Pialejo, bajo mi usuario de : @pialejoana.

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