Living Life as the Divine Gift that It Is Meant To Be

This circle is an open-ended open-minded open-spirited conversation around what this gift of life is. What are our unique riches and capacities? What do we have more of, that we want to share? How can we ask for what we need in the world? And how can we receive it gracefully and gladly - making best use of it, or passing it on? How do we let go of what we donโ€™t need, so that others can benefit from it? And how can we let go of what isn't serving us, that we Co-Create Divinely to bring a more Blessed World into Being!
Let's come together here to build a more harmonious and fulfilling world for us all.
If you'd love to dive deeper into these ideas, and to Live In Gift, see our website


- The nature of this community is, again, solutions based.

- Seek to create mutually-beneficial dynamics rather than projecting our opinions/ power/ rightness onto others.

- Always LISTEN FIRST, really listen.

- Always think-feel-know before responding.

- Seek Truth, and the harvesting of wisdom and energy, rather than conventional pulling or pushing.

- Where you can, offer your gifts without expectation of reward.

- Where you have need of gift, try to ask for it from the deeper place of knowing and being ready to receive that which you most truly need: working with divine flow, we have to be open to our solution coming mysteriously or unexpectedly - not always from what we stated that we want for.

- Zero tolerance for manipulation or power games - conscious or not!

- ALL languages, cultures, economic perspectives welcome.
