White pakkan cake recipe๐Ÿž๐Ÿž๐Ÿง‚๐Ÿง‚

Assalamu Alaikum
Hello friends,
how are you, I hope you are well by the grace of God

First of all I will say that it is in different districts of Bangladesh
This cake is very common.
Especially during the marriage of girls, they are sent to the house of the boy ...
This cake is made especially in the village ,,,
This cake is always eaten by everyone even in winter ,,,,,


Ingredients I use in white baking,
One kg of rice husk ,,,
One kg milk
Amount of salt ,,,,
Half a kg of sugar veins ,,,,
Two eggs


Boil water in a pot for 5 to 6 minutes.
I pour one kg of rice husk,
Let's boil the rice husk well ,,,
When it is well cooked, I put it down till it cools down.
When the rice husk was cold, I broke two eggs with it and mixed it well.
The amount of salt ,,, I put one kg of sugar in a good way ,,,,


At the end of applying, I give all of them a round shape.
I made thick bread ,,,
Then with the help of a knife I cut it long with the design ,,,


One kg of oil in a Korea at the end of it all
When hot with ,,
I give you a few cakes ,,,
After leaving it for 5 to 6 minutes, I took it down.
This is how we make all the cakes ,,,


This is the environment ,,,
Putting one kg of milk in the oven ,,,
I boiled it well ,,,
Boil 3 cardamoms in boiling milk well with cinnamon ,,,,,
I give the cakes with milk ,,,
Do environment
This cake is very white to eat ,,,

The cakes are very juicy ,,,,


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