
HAPPY WHITE HISTORY MONTH. Sticks, bones, and c0gv1d v@xc1nes may break my bones but words, including calling me a racist, will never hurt me. There is a war on men since at least the 1940s.

They're making quoting the Bible in America illegal. They made the cures illegal. How bad is that? Man shows his hot dog to others at a spa but the staff said it is ok in a viral video because the man said he is a woman. World being taken over by weirdos, some who were abused themselves as well, that is part of why they abuse us. Thousands of pastors in America will be thrown in jail very soon. When pregnant women get Covid Vaccines, 4 out of 5 babies die, spontaneous abortions or miscarriages. Sticks, bones, and c0gv1d v@xc1nes may break my bones but words, including calling me a racist, will never hurt me. Spike proteins poking holes through the blood-brain barrier.

War on men was announced after the second world war which ended in 1945, the logic is that we only have war because we have men and therefore must minimize masculinity and turn the guys into male soy boys while turning women into men. For over 70 years, they've been teaching this in school, we've seen it in entertainment, in the fake news, etc. War on men probably goes back even farther than that to Andrew Carnegie who founded the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in 1910. Andrew Carnegie has connections to Rockefeller who is connected to Rothschild.

They find that at least a third of liberals have been diagnosed with a mental disorder and that is just the ones who were diagnosed. Imagine all the people who were never diagnosed.

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Screenshot at 2021-07-02 14:13:37.png

Happy White History Month

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-07-02 - Friday | Published in July of 2021

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

My username is Joeyarnoldvn on most social networks | Home | Directory | Accounts | Oatmealenglish | Oatmealhealth | Oatmealjoey | Rarnold316 | Topics | Timeline

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They made the cures illegal. How bad is that?

War on men was announced after the second world war which ended in 1945, the logic is that we only have war because we have men and therefore must minimize masculinity and turn the guys into male soy boys while turning women into men. For over 70 years, they've been teaching this in school, we've seen it in entertainment, in the fake news, etc. War on men probably goes back even farther than that to Andrew Carnegie who founded the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in 1910. Andrew Carnegie has connections to Rockefeller who is connected to Rothschild.

All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

War On Men

2021-07-02 - Friday - 06:23 PM - Globalism Log - Gab

War on men was announced after the second world war which ended in 1945, the logic is that we only have war because we have men and therefore must minimize masculinity and turn the guys into male soy boys while turning women into men. For over 70 years, they've been teaching this in school, we've seen it in entertainment, in the fake news, etc. War on men probably goes back even farther than that to Andrew Carnegie who founded the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in 1910. Andrew Carnegie has connections to Rockefeller who is connected to Rothschild.

Covid Log

Forbidden News | Forbidden Videos | Forbidden Links

2004 WOLBI Hangers Joey.png

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My Autobiography

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2021-07-02 - Friday - 01:13 AM - Covid Log
They made the cures illegal. How bad is that?
When pregnant women get Covid Vaccines, 4 out of 5 babies die, spontaneous abortions or miscarriages.
Sticks, bones, and c0gv1d v@xc1nes may break my bones but words, including calling me a racist, will never hurt me.
Spike proteins poking holes throught the blood-brain barrier.

Vaxed But Masked Too

2021-07-02 - Friday - 04:02 PM - Covid Log - Gab

In the video, he interviews people who still cover their smile with a covering even after getting c00xv11d vaxc1nes. Facebook will not let you see this video. So, that is why I am not sharing this video on Facebook. You are not allowed to see what these people say in the video.

Find Me on social media networks: | Facebook | Instagram | Tik Tok | Twitter | YouTube | Bitchute | Gab | Minds | and other places too.

11:08 AM
Facebook users. You do not need MESSENGER. You just need a web browser which combines 2 apps into one.

Finding Cures for Cancer?

04:57 PM - Facebook

Jessica Adams, I am curious too. Now, I've not seen that word used before for a cure of cancer, abandoned. But I would not be surprised. So, my assumption would be that they're abandoned when their funding is abandoned. So, when they lose the funding, then they decide to stop the research so they can become eligible for the funding again. Follow the money. And when you become dependent on the funding, then you become manipulable. Sometimes, blackmail may be involved. That is part of why we all should strive for independence since dependency means controllable like a slave, a puppet. Speaking of, Happy Independence Day.

This community is about learning and teaching the English language.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
Here is a photo of me with at an English club in Vietnam in 2013.

This community is all about wholistic medicine, natural remedies, cures, prevention, etc.

Moving & Spy Church
2021-07-02 - Friday - 10:30 AM - Dream Log

Had a dream where I am going into an apartment to do stuff and/or see people. I go up stairs and/or elevators.I am an apartment room. I am then getting all my bags and going back home and/or somewhere. I spent time making sure I had all five to ten bags and I think all of them were bags I've had in real life, different colors, bags I've had going back the past decade or longer, brown bags, blue bags, other colors too. Backpacks and larger bags and smaller bags. I was trying to carry all the bags on me so I wouldn't have to take a second trip. I made sure everything was out of the room and I was closing the door. I was thinking no going back. Nobody was there as I left meaning the man and/or whoever were not there as I left. In an earlier dream, church was spying on me and/or I don't know if they would call it that but they could hear me at all times as there was a microphone or something on me or in me or near me or I don't know the details but they told me about it. The current one and we were maybe like the Borg or on a phone call. Conference call. Maybe not a call. We knew things or they at least knew things about me and I didn't know.

03:56 PM
Free Britney Spears. Matt Gaetz wrote this letter to her.

04:02 PM
In the video, he interviews people who still cover their smile with a covering even after getting c00xv11d vaxc1nes. Facebook will not let you see this video. So, that is why I am not sharing this video on Facebook. You are not allowed to see what these people say in the video.

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Ron Gibson


They made the cures illegal. How bad is that?
Man shows his hot dog to others at a spa but the staff said it is ok in a viral video because the man said he is a woman.

They made talking about Population Replacement illegal.
Watch out for field marshalls who are in command of the battlefield in wars and we are in a world war.
World being taken over by weirdos, some who were abused themselves as well, that is part of why they abuse us.
They're making quoting the Bible in America illegal.
Thousands of pastors in America will be thrown in jail very soon.
40% of those kids who are gender confused who are encouraged the wrong direction then commit suicide.
When pregnant women get Covid Vaccines, 4 out of 5 babies die, spontaneous abortions or miscarriages.
Sticks, bones, and c0gv1d v@xc1nes may break my bones but words, including calling me a racist, will never hurt me.
Spike proteins poking holes through the blood-brain barrier.
Some of the children who get Covid Vaccines will not turn into adults, they will be forever children.
Antibody dependency enhancement.
People in Hong Kong live longer, they eat more meat, they have higher cholesterol.
Plato said globalists would have to ban meat or else people would become strong enough to stop them.
Look at the animal rights and what else they do, animal rights are all about giving humans animal rights.
They think animals are Disney characters like Babe the pig with cute eyes or like cartoons.
If you get people to not eat meat, then they eat the centralized fake meat which you make and then you can control everyone from the inside-out that way on a cellular level.
Globalists fund Vegan products.
Dentists lie and say if kid's teeth are rotting, then it is due to the breast-feeding mothers. That is a lie and the opposite is true, milk helps a lot.
Kids who go Vegan then get black and brown spots in their teeth. Many get autism.
People who live the longest also have higher cholesterol.
Giving personhood to animals and robots is an attack on humanity.

Star Wars: The Bad Bash 110

2021-07-02 - Friday - 04:21 AM - 04:50 AM - Star Wars: The Bad Bash 110

Curfews for your own protection, the empire rises just like in the real world with lockdown. Sid stays with the lady alien. The crew goes to rescue a leader. Priceless vase used as a weapon, oh well, but it got the job done. Sid wins some Star Wars Chess matches. She wins money to pay back debt. After that, she plays him a game, if she wins, no more sitting out missions.

Ron Gibson


John McAfee report by Greg Reese. Brain was the first computer virus or one of the first.
Democrats supported slavery.
Norm Pattis, talk about the self-righteous mobs pretending to be lawyers and such while honest lawyers are punished.

War on self-defense. They are going after military even. An Army sergeant was indicted for saving himself from somebody who was about to murder him. So, he could end up in prison for the crime of being a hero. BLM member Garrett Foster was the bad guy in this story, not the good guy. But the fake news tries very hard to say the reverse. Only common sense can help you make sense of the world now. If you're lacking common sense, then you are lost and now pretty common too.

If you thought MAGNETS were crazy enough to stick on arms after c0xv1xd vxaxc1nes, now we got LIGHT-BULBS lighting up. Do you want to be a CHRISTMAS TREE? Want to be a human electric conductor?

China Lightning Show. They made lightning strikes these buildings in China on command. Why is this not on the news? Weather modification is real and has been for decades.

01:57 PM
They find that at least a third of liberals have been diagnosed with a mental disorder and that is just the ones who were diagnosed. Imagine all the people who were never diagnosed.

Biden won these counties in 2020, the blue parts of this American map, and this is allegedly speaking. In reality, Joe probably didn't even win even a few of those blue counties as seen on this map of the United States.

These are the counties Biden won in 2020, this is a record low. It was even lower than what Obama got in 2012 which was an all-time low record at that time. Notice the five battleground states and how many blue dots there are. Look at Georgia, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, etc.

HAPPY WHITE HISTORY MONTH, this is the 4th year for this new holiday, it is each July, it was started by a black American, Jesse Lee Peterson. Is it racist if a black guy starts a month for white people? I would not mind a Yellow History Month too. There are three races, whites, blacks, and the yellows.

03:28 PM
When Jena Powell tried introducing a women rights bill, some people started screaming and pounding the desks, they would not stop for minutes, they would not let this woman speak. Talk about equality. I saw one man in the video was white and he was so angry. We should let this lady speak. This was the 24th of June of 2021 in the Ohio House of Representatives. It was on the Ohio Channel, the Idea Stream.

Californians are BANNED, FORBIDDEN, to travel to FLORIDA, talk about history repeating itself from decades ago. Making it ILLEGAL to freely move is almost as racist as wall, right? Because walls keep people from migrating. It is as if CALIFORNIA created a wall to keep people from exiting. Sounds like England. I wonder why anybody would even want to go to Florida. Crazy that people want to go to Florida. Where you are living might be perfect, right? It is for your own good, for your own safety, stay home, be safe, be a slave forever in lockdown, the PRISON PLANET, do not question government, do as you are told, let TYRANNY violate rights which do not come from government but come from God.

Please do NOT connect the dots between these 2 videos. Just like with getting c0xv11d vaxzc11nes, totally coincidental and rare, right?

Ron Gibson


World is run by pedophile rings, gangs, mafia, groups.
Globalism are hiding behind black people.

Flagrant 2

05:48 PM - ALEX JONES RETURNS | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

War On Men

2021-07-02 - Friday - 06:23 PM - Globalism Log - Gab

War on men was announced after the second world war which ended in 1945, the logic is that we only have war because we have men and therefore must minimize masculinity and turn the guys into male soy boys while turning women into men. For over 70 years, they've been teaching this in school, we've seen it in entertainment, in the fake news, etc. War on men probably goes back even farther than that to Andrew Carnegie who founded the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in 1910. Andrew Carnegie has connections to Rockefeller who is connected to Rothschild.

06:43 PM
Around 2010, they started realizing people were not trusting the fake news, thus begun transition to merging politics with actors, comedians, Hollywood, Late Night shows, things like that, because people were still trusting them.
How in the world is Alex Jones a far-right weirdo? He was arrested by REPUBLICAN George Bush twice.

09:07 PM
There was a movie called First Man which was about landing on the moon. Alex Jones said people tried going to the moon many times but died. Thousands died in the space programs, NASA, which was started by Nazis who are guys for hire, like scientific gypsies. Germany had jets in the 1940s. It was probably Germany in the 1940s which were planning to send jets, bombs, missiles, to attack 3 big cities in America, cities like New York, Chicago, and I think Los Angeles.

09:20 PM
Ancient cultures would sacrifice thousands of children. Israel was one of the first nations to declare they would no longer participate in those types of rituals. The legend in Europe of a king slaying the dragon who would eat children was symbolic of the fact children would be slaughtered in many countries and places around the world for thousands of years and even to this day through the means of trafficking, Hollywood, the Occult, etc. In the Bible, Abraham was going to kill his son, an angel stops him. In a way, that is like symbolic of let's not kill children.
Again. The Jan 6 thing. To be clear. One more time. I did not have sex with Monica Lewinski.


10:16 PM - 11:59 AM and beyond - Loki is AWFUL | The SCOURING of Tolkien | Disney Star Wars - Friday Night Tights with Lauren Chen

Fun show. Ended my day watching this. Still watching into Saturday morning. This was after watching Alex Jones on Flagrant 2, that is the second time he was on that show which was a week ago. I didn't know about it until now. So, I have a lot of notes on the Alex Jones on Flagrant video. I've not written a lot for the Friday Night Tights show or not yet. I'm a fan of many on the show including Lauren Chen and Garrett and Nerdrotic and Geeks + Gamers Jeremy and I like the others too but to a lesser degree. I'm also working on sending files from one computer to another directly through Ethernet or other means. Been researching and trying things on that project going back to June 2021 or the past few weeks on and off. A total of some hours or many hours in total but off and on every day or every few days. I've done computer projects many times going back like twenty years. Many different things but I've not done this file share thing yet.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

Ron Gibson


Star Wars: The Bad Bash 110

2021-07-02 - Friday - 04:21 AM - 04:50 AM - Star Wars: The Bad Bash 110

Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson



05:08 PM - Alex jones on Black people and reparations | N8sroom reaction

Mike Darby

05:16 PM - Alex Jones The Snow Is Gay Now

Andrew Schulz

05:22 PM - Man with the HIGHEST voice ever gets roasted | Andrew Schulz | Stand Up Comedy

I thought he was roasting Mike from Red Letter Media who looks very similar to that guy.

Andrew Schulz

05:41 PM - Every FASHUN of 2019 (Compilation)

Flagrant 2

05:48 PM - ALEX JONES RETURNS | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

VIDEO: Hidden Radios in Home Devices (IOT)! The next Cyberthreat. By Rob Braxman Tech

Can you block signals?
@W.N. Byers, depends on the types of signals as some are stronger or have different frequencies, so it depends meaning it may take many layers to block some signals depending on the types and the strength and all the other factors.


10:16 PM - 11:59 AM and beyond - Loki is AWFUL | The SCOURING of Tolkien | Disney Star Wars - Friday Night Tights with Lauren Chen

Dear diary, got up at 10:30 AM. Dream. See dream log. Little sunny. Breakfast. War Room. Raspberry garden weeding. 3 Strawberry baskets watering. Dandelion weeding around 11 AM to 01:50 PM. Dishes 2 to 3 PM. An hour or less. Lunch. 5:30 PM sprinkler thing.

Food log
Breakfast: coffee, watermelon, 10:45 AM.
Lunch: soup with garlic, 01:50 PM. More soup, watermelon, 3:18 PM.
Dinner: chips on the soup, really delicious, 04:44 PM.

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