
Among Us is Teletubies Playing Clue. That's the game. Many people will be having many people over for Thanksgiving against alleged laws. Forced vaccination upon babies, children, adults, and the elderly, if Biden sneaks in. Big gun taxes if Biden gets in. They're trying to steal PA for Biden in 2020. If there are more than six people at your house, Kate Brown will crawl up from under your bed and skin you alive just in time for Turkey Day.

Thanksgiving in Prison

You may be in jail for 30 days for celebrating Thanksgiving 2020 in the United States. Fun version of house rules Skip-Bo. We both takes turns at the same time. I made a video talking about how Among Us is Teletubbies playing Clue and Mafia. I also made a video talking about the history of prohibition which includes the overlords trying to ban alcohol, drugs, Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, books, people, good ideas, and now as of 2020 our faces even.

How is a software update made on the night of the election to machines that are not supposed to be connected to the Internet?

97,676 votes LOST! And Biden GAINED 160K+ votes in WI, MI.

In GA, they threw away the envelops with the signatures that the ballots came in, then commingled the mail-in ballots with the day-of ballots so there was no way to tell them apart.

Make requests for the video footage, Georgia Patriots. Overwhelm them so that they CANNOT destroy the evidence.

Victoria Toensing @VicToensing: Go to Parler and see my TRUTHFUL post about the corrupt Democratic cities like Philly and Detroit and how they corrupted the mail-in vote. Hubby and I working with @RudyGiuliani on @realDonaldTrump legal election fight. Go to @Parler to read facts @Twitter won’t let me tell you. Court filings start next week. Had to interview witnesses and draft Declarations to make sure all facts accurate.

In Detroit vote counters were instructed to “pre-date” absentee ballots and “not to look for deficiencies in ballots.” From a SWORN affidavit. No sworn doc disputing. So not in dispute. Republicans not allowed to witness vote counting. Not in dispute.

Report: 6K fake Biden votes found in Arizona “lead“ drops to 4K

BREAKING NEWS: @SidneyPowell1 says her lawsuit in Georgia could be filed as soon as tomorrow and says there’s no way there was anything but widespread election fraud.

The Thieves Who Stole Our Election Got Sloppy

Election Fraud Exposed: The Amstead Project’s Phill Kline explains why he wants nearly 157,000 votes thrown out in Wisconsin-- claiming more than 12,000 Republican votes were not counted in the state.

Why isn’t the @GASecofState Brad Raffensperger, a so-called Republican, allowing us to look at signatures on envelopes for verification? We will find tens of thousands of fraudulent and illegal votes


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2020-11-24 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-11-24 - Tuesday
Published in November of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-11-25 01:22:04.png

A second wave is a based on a false positive explains Dr. Michael Yeadon in the banned dot video

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Directory | Timeline | Accounts | Categories | Channels | Communities | Groups | Topics | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Banned News

Information You Can Gobble: We Are The News

Pennsylvania certifies Biden as winner of presidential vote - That is BAD

10:32 PM

In reality, Trump won and we all know it.

Sadly, their trying to steal it, one state at a time.

Did they just steal PA?

They're trying to.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court takes up Trump challenge to more than 8,000 Philadelphia votes

So, will the Supreme Court overrule the lower courts?

As you can see, state courts do one thing and the national court does another.

Biden win over Trump in Nevada made official by court



They're trying to steal Nevada too

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Which celebrity from Who's The Boss became an English Teacher in 2009? Tony Danza

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies


Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN

Thanksgiving 2020

10:20 AM - Facebook

Many people will be having many people over for Thanksgiving against alleged laws.

Forced vaccination upon babies, children, adults, and the elderly, if Biden sneaks in.


Follow and tweet me on Twitter @JoeyArnold

Trump 2024

10:25 AM -Twitter

Trump in 2024 is fake news, if Biden steals it, that's the end of our American republic.

Big gun taxes if Biden gets in.


Watch and chat with me on YouTube @joeyArnold7

Videos I made today

Among Us is Teletubies Playing Clue
History of Prohibition

Other Websites

Write to me on other sites

Hillary Clinton stole 2016 from Trump, millions of votes.

Watch Comments

See the Watch Log for more info

The Boys

2020-11-24 - Tuesday - 12:48 AM - 01:49 AM - The Boys 106

Homelander the Superman twin looks like Zack from Saved By The Bell.

Super heroes born from the polio vaccine being drugged up with stuff like the teenage mutant ninja turtles and the ooze.


Steven Crowder

10:15 AM - CALLING ALL PATRIOTS TO DISOBEY!! | Good Morning #MugClub

Japan having baseball, skateboards, pop music, in other words, American Lite minus the guns.

You may be in jail for 30 days for celebrating Thanksgiving 2020 in the United States.

Sarah Corriher

10:50 PM - Forbidding Thanksgiving: The Democrat Way

If there are more than six people at your house, Kate Brown will crawl up from under your bed and skin you alive just in time for Turkey Day.

Watch Log

I've been watching the following

The Boys

2020-11-24 - Tuesday - 12:48 AM - 01:49 AM - The Boys 106

Lisa Haven

10:09 AM - Millions In America Making a “Run For It!” Mass Exodus Happening & Here’s Why…What Do They Know?

Steven Crowder

10:15 AM - CALLING ALL PATRIOTS TO DISOBEY!! | Good Morning #MugClub

Fox News

10:40 AM - Trump reportedly plans to pardon Michael Flynn: Axios

Tim Pool Cast IRL

10:42 PM - Timcast IRL - Sean Parnell Joins To Discuss Lawsuit Over Mail Voting, This Could Change EVERYTHING

Sarah Corriher

10:50 PM - Forbidding Thanksgiving: The Democrat Way

Operation Freedom

11:22 PM - Patrick Byrne: Dissecting The Electronic Steal

Each of the 3 boxes I have for you is no larger than 2 square feet. I'm thinking closer to a square foot per box. In other words, two car seats or possibly a large enough trunk.

Well, the boxes may be more rectangle in shape and not a perfect square.

Internet box restarted and then the Ethernet over power pair reset and now back at 12:46 AM after almost an hour of struggle. This happens here at the clam once a month or so and at the throne a few times a year or less now.

I should learn how to coil up hoses and put in garage I'm thinking, interesting term I don't hear a lot, to coil up. Cover up outside house spikets or faucets, drain the inside parts and cover it with an insolation idea just in time for winter.

Rise & Shine

09:30 AM - Got up and made breakfast


10:00 AM - Oatmeal. Coffee

Steven Crowder talk Thanksgiving, lockdown, police, Covid, prison, bad laws
I was saving photos relating to groovy photos


11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - Rolling up hoses for the winter at this hill. After that, we had lunch, chicken and broccoli and rice. After that, got around to homework, history, English, science, like half done for him eventually. I was napping for like 2 hours or on and off in the afternoon.


05:00 PM - 05:55 PM - Added boards to the roof part of the chicken house.


06:00 PM - Chicken nuggets, rice, broccoli, like lunch I think. One fun game of a card game, Skip-Bo, house rules meaning at the end we all played at the same time, took turns I mean, the two of us. We both had 20 cards and he won.


07:00 PM - 08:00 PM - I made a video talking about how Among Us is Teletubbies playing Clue and Mafia. I also made a video talking about the history of prohibition which includes the overlords trying to ban alcohol, drugs, Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, books, people, good ideas, and now as of 2020 our faces even. After that, hey, time for a shower. Eventually out at 09:13 PM. I said don't forget to brush your teeth. I took a nap for like thirty minutes or longer. He left my room around 9:30 PM. My nap went to like 10 PM. Now, it is 10:24 PM.

Phoebe Cates

2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon kimmy JSA OJawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln sander Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett columbia Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump 23yr not mj 5'3 soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me celebs thinkin  twitter 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix Phoebe Cates 1982 movie JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg

Famous Celebrities Who Now Have Regular Jobs

Conrad Veidt, the original inspiration for the Joker, from the 1928 film The Man Who Laughs

The disinformation campaign against Parler continues with false claims about #ParlerHacked. Here's a statement from CEO John Matze

Iconic Photographs Not Suitable For All Viewers

NV judge agrees to hear evidence of illegal voting and allow Republicans/Trump campaign to depose those who know about the dirty deeds of campaign 2020. Big News!


Scotland becomes the first country in the world to make sanitary products free

Pennsylvania certifies Biden as winner of presidential vote - That is BAD

Groovy Photos Take Us Back To The Best Years To Be Alive

Tucker Carlson talk to Dr. Robert Epstein about the hacked voting machines

So are any mainstream media organizations doing an in-depth investigation of Dominion?

Do not read this affidavit from an IT expert. We know what is documented here is impossible as the Maricopa County Supervisors told us everything is fine and go back to sleep and pay your taxes and wear a mask. And leftist reporters told us to move on.

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