Stack Your CUB's Now & Compound That Yield!

Do you even compound? Here's how you make the most of your new found CUB tokens.

Now's the time to take advantage of the larger inflation rate and lock up as many as possible. Compound now to maximize future earning potential!


Stack Now While Inflation Is High

Looking at the emission schedule created by CUB Finance, there's no better time to earn CUB than now. Or at least for the next couple weeks as we've been given a gift for arriving and engaging early, increased rewards!

Emission Rate Schedule


We can see from the emission schedule that starting march 22nd the emission rate is reduced to it's final resting place of 1 CUB/block.

All this means is now is the time to earn and stack your CUB!

How To Maximize CUB Defi Yield Farming?

One word.. Compound!

Some DeFi platforms have auto compounding vaults, CUB doesn't so that means when you harvest your farm your best caurse of action is to park them straight into the CUB den to earn those compounding gains.

What Is Compounding?

Compounding is the most magical of processes in which an asset's earnings (capital gains or interest), are reinvested to generate additional earnings over time.

This growth, calculated using exponential functions, occurs because the investment will generate earnings from both its initial principal and the accumulated earnings from preceding periods. Compounding, therefore, differs from linear growth, where only the principal earns interest each period. -

Investopedia: Compound Interest Explained

Taking advantage of the higher emission rate now will give you a nice head start on your journey to earning compound growth and future earnings.


Another gift that we were given is the relatively low rate of inflation overall. Over the course of a year the emission schedule will produce apx 10M tokens, then factor in the deflationary buy back and burn mechanics and I think you're looking at a relatively low total supply.

Compare this to PancakeSwap who's native token already has a 132,497,122 circulating supply. Just my opinion.

Why do you think the CUB den it glowing?

It's telling you, hey park your CUB her for compound gains!


Every extra coin you earn now from the farms and park in the CUB den will help you earn exponential gains indefinitely into the future.

There you have it, now journey forth and earn to your fullest potential!

Auto-Compounding is Fun Too

Here's an example of an auto-compounding "Den" or Liquidity Pool as it's otherwise known. This LP is offered through PancakeBunny and is the LP I had participated in last month.


You can see it awards two tokens which can be cool, but as an auto-compounding LP it will automatically reinvest your earned tokens back into the LP. The pool wins from additional liquidity and the investor wins by experiencing some of those sweet compounding gains.

CUB Finance has only just launched but they've got their finger on the pulse now and I wouldn't be surprised to see some interesting options pop up from time to time on the DeFi platform.

Digital Gold by 88n8

This video brings back memories of 2017, and here we are 2021 still stacking!

This post was also shared on Publish0x here.

Ciao for now,


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