Eternity: A Mind-Numbingly Powerful Perspective

Have you ever considered the meaning of eternity?

Infinite Series

One Wave in an Infinte Series... - Photo courtesy of Anton Repponen and

Ask anyone...

They will tell you that Eternity is a very long time. But can they tell you how long it is? Will they give you a real appreciation for forever? Let me try my hand at the task.

First, think about all of the oceans in the entire world.

Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian, and so forth. If you've ever sailed the seven seas, you know that our planet is mostly covered with water.

How long has the earth existed?

Your mileage may vary. Most think it has been around far longer, but let’s (for the sake of argument) say about 13,000 years.

Now consider every ride-able wave that has ever broken...

Every wave that has ever broken on every reef and shore on every coast and island in the entire world.

Check out each one.

Line up and ride each wave, then rewind the tape and ride that wave again. Rinse and repeat until you get the hang of it, ‘till you get each wave "just right."

You no doubt have plenty of other things to do...

Things that are perhaps as fun and interesting and necessary - so, limit yourself to working on no more than two or three waves a day. Wouldn’t want to get bored, or burn out!

Ride each wave again...

Ride each wave again - then again - from a different starting point, trying every variation of style you can think of. Ride them again on different boards, on a kayak, and then bodysurf the best ones.

Phone a friend...

Go back and re-ride your favorite waves again, as often as you like. Take some friends with you and share the joy with them.

Take A Friend

Take A Friend With You... - Photo courtesy of delfi de la Rua and

Are you done yet?

You haven’t begun to fill in
even the first line
of the first page
of eternity!

More surfing posts:
It's Here! Come Ride My Beautiful Magic Carpet
The First Wave
Eternity: A Mind-Numbingly Powerful Perspective
Making The Drop (A Poem of Sorts)
The Ocean; God's Finest Invention?
Paddling Out -- The Story
Colorful Art from a Personal Perspective; Introducing "Paddling Out"
The Humorous Truth; Willpower and Cold Water
Why Do Jerks Seem To Get the Best Waves?

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