Satire on Hive

Read, write and share your enthusiasm for this literary gold!

Sometimes it's nice to have a good old laugh. To unwind with something a little lighter. Our world is full of a constant stream of bad news that reaches an intensity that is unparalleled in recent times. Wouldn't you, once in a while, rather look at the lighter side of life - remind yourself that you don't always have to be 100% serious?

This community has been created with satire lovers in mind. Here, you can post your satirical articles, be they written, drawn or filmed - all are welcome! You can also read posts by other members or just simply engage in general chat about satire or any other topic of interest. They key here, is engagement. Feel free to post your own content, but make sure you stick around and read and comment on others' submissions too.

Have fun!


- 1. Be original - don't take the work of someone else and palm it off as your own.

- 2. Be nice - we're intolerant of poor behaviour.

- 3. Be creative - posts under 250 words won't get a great deal of attention.

- 4. Be considerate - NSFW posts will be removed.

- 5. Be engaging - stick around and help build the community by commenting.

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