
China is a fascist corptocracy. Joe Rogan said he has known Alex Jones since 1998. Joe Rogan said he thinks Alex is wrong about some things but totally right about a bunch of things. This is what Joe Rogan was saying on his show, number 1131, which aired on the 13th of June of 2018. "I'm kind of retarded." Alex Jones.

Equality From Morality

Equality can be recognized from a perspective of objective morality. Outside of that, subjectivity can lead an individual towards adopting the views that Hitler had regarding pruning people via force.

Justin Bieber - This is My Baby
Looking Forward

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Oatmeal Daily - 2020-06-13 - Saturday
Published in June of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-06-13 11:22:04.png
Did they murder Black Lives Matter Michael Jackson?

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Categories | Communities | Directories | Timelines | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Joe Rogan

12:00 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1491 - Bill Burr - continued from Friday

Talk about Covid, comedy, fighting, Seattle.

Mulan Cinderella

12:51 AM - Facebook

You look like Cinderella but your soul might be Mulan.

Fonzie Panda

01:04 AM - Facebook

Motorcycle Bad Ass Panda

Leaving Facebook

01:11 AM - Facebook

Ninja, We could all negotiate a compromise a deal between two extremes. Instead of choosing to stay or not stay, how about something somewhere in the middle of those two extremes? I don't know about the lies but I know people have lied about me in my life many times. My heart is broken for the ninja. I'm very sorry. My city has the world's tallest barber pole.

Attracting the Best & the Worse

01:37 AM - Facebook

Akari Hoshino, popularity attracts jealousy, envy, anger, from the haters. Generally, the more famous a person is, the more hate mail they get. And on Facebook, some people will get stuck in these echo chambers or I mean a bubble of friends. And inside their bubble, they feel like they know everything. So, that leads them into of spreading lies. So, some of those people will run into you and start lying about you. Sometimes, people lie because they're partly broken inside, meaning they're reflecting and deflecting like a mirror an essence of themselves onto you. Beauty can attract some of the best and some of the worse in humanity towards you. It's a bit bipolar meaning you run into some of the best and some of the worse people because you are a magnet. That's a good thing and also a bit disappointing when you run into the haters. Wishing you the best.

Some people may say you're fake.

Because they're fake.

Capitalism vs Communism

01:48 AM - Hive Blog

But those misconceptions are not misconceptions. When government takes over your life, the equality is in that many people become equally poor.

How do you motivate people to work hard?

Doctors Kill More Than Cops Do

Fuller House

2020-06-13 - Saturday - 01:58 AM - 02:23 AM - Fuller House 514

Can't a mother brag about her children? Max upset after her first day at middle school. Ramona beats the others in the food eating contest in the house. Ramona doesn't want to act like a man around her BF. Stephanie talks to her. Sometimes, you got to not care. Ramona wins. DJ met Kimmy in third grade during a field trip. She sat next to ehr on the school bus. Kimmy wore a weird shirt with eggs on them. She must be fun and they've been friends ever since. Max started acting like the cool kids to blend in and he said kids were saying Max looks like an extra on Young Shelton and not even the lead which is starred by him, the actor, henceforth the joke. They talk Max back into being a nerd again.


2020-06-13 - Saturday - 02:23 AM - 03:08 AM - Vikings 604

The cripple talks to the boy about what belongs to the young heir and about the trader man. Buddha king of Norway talked about how things are hidden beyond the lens time and place that only the gods can know. A queen sees visions of what happened in the town where men attacked and they murdered that boy.

03:08 AM - 09:40 AM - Sleep. Dream of a new Justin Bieber song where he sings a little better than usual and his singing style was a hybrid of a few of the different singing eras of his life plus added soul and pronunciation in parts of the song which was similar to a few of his different songs plus a few other things that might have been part me or part other people but put all in one song. The melody and the lyrics were sort of like baby baby baby oh. That was one of his first songs from like 2009. But that is mixed with some of other songs as he was going from his teens in the 2010's and into his twenties as we go towards the 2020's. So, the main chorus and theme of the song was like this, "Here is my baby, but I have to deal with this bullshit, I feel like I'm going to die." In the music video, Justin Bieber is driving his car through the mountains, through some forests. He is talking to his like dad on the phone and must have ran into a car, a tree, or I'm not sure what. But he gets in a car accident and ends up in the hospital. So, in my dream, in this music video, he is laying down on his hospital bed, he is angry about his father while looking at his girlfriend who is there helping him get though physical therapy as he tries to recover from his injuries. He is sad and angry that he has to put his GF through all of this. He wants to blame some of it or all of it on his dad. When he sings "But this is bullshit, I'm going to die," he was singing even better than he does in real life. Maybe it was partly me or a white version of Chris Brown and others in how he fully pronounced words. Unique hybrid song. I forget any of the other dreams I might have had last night and I am focused on this dream, possibly the only music video dream I've ever had.

Joe Rogan

09:57 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1491 - Bill Burr - continued from Friday

Free Markets vs Slavery

10:04 AM - Hive

Historically, what you're saying is inaccurate when compared to human psychology. It's really simple. In Vietnam for example, I can tell you stories about what Vietnamese would tell me concerning a contrast between Vietnam in the 1980's and Vietnam in the 2010's. That is just one country for example. I can talk all day concerning different parts in human history. I don't even have time right now to talk to you about Venezuela which was a very rich country in so many ways.

Joe Rogan

10:10 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1490 - Jimmy O Yang

Oriental vs Asian

Jimmy O Yang was born in Hong Kong. When Jimmy was 13 in 2000, he moved with his family to America. Now, he is 33, two years younger than me.

China is a fascist corptocracy.

Michael Jackson Vindicated

10:34 AM - Twitter

Audio recording of a guy saying he will use a boy, possibly his own son, to make rape allegations to ruin the career of Michael Jackson. I've always loved Michael Jackson since I was a little white boy in the 1990's, possibly since I was six in 1991 or around that time, and never believed the fake news about him.

Hoe for MJ

11:13 AM - 10 times Michael Jackson forgot he was human (vocals)

Shana Mangatal

11:21 AM - UNHEARD MICHAEL JACKSON Lost Voice Message! RARE! (Updated)

Processed Tweets

Twitter Tweets are like processed food or processed information, fragmented info.

Justin Bieber - This is My Baby

12:31 PM - Hive Post

Justin Bieber.jpg

Dream of a new Justin Bieber song where he sings a little better than usual and his singing style was a hybrid of a few of the different singing eras of his life plus added soul and pronunciation in parts of the song which was similar to a few of his different songs plus a few other things that might have been part me or part other people but put all in one song. The melody and the lyrics were sort of like baby baby baby oh.

Equality From Morality

12:55 PM - Hive

Equality can be recognized from a perspective of objective morality. Outside of that, subjectivity can lead an individual towards adopting the views that Hitler had regarding pruning people via force.

Color vs Content

01:00 PM - Hive

I joined this group, this community and I shared this post because I love what Martin Luther King Jr said in his speech, I Have a Dream. People should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I totally agree.

Hating Amazon

01:08 PM - Hive

I agree with you, I'm against slavery, tyranny, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, plutocracy. Some of the biggest slave-drivers have been governments. So, I want government to get smaller and smaller because I prefer freedom over alleged securities promised by fascist states. I don't want Facebook to put me in prison. I hate Amazon. If you hate Amazon, then I agree with you. I hate Amazon too. I think we both can agree that Amazon is terrible for example. I hate corporations. I hate monopolies.

Joe Rogan

01:26 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1131 - Dave Rubin


I'm a Phobia-Phobic. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself and I fear fear. I'm afraid of being afraid. I am biggest anything phobic or everything phobic you could ever imagine.

Alex Jones

Joe Rogan said he has known Alex Jones since 1998. Joe Rogan said he thinks Alex is wrong about some things but totally right about a bunch of things. This is what Joe Rogan was saying on his show, number 1131, which aired on the 13th of June of 2018.

"I'm kind of retarded." Alex Jones

Selling Dreams

02:19 PM - Hive Post

1990's maybe - our 163 front yard sale and 164 for sale.png
One of our 163 yard sales as 163 was on sale

Is your life a yard sale?

Are you just selling your dreams away to your neighbors? Are you willing to hold onto them and reach for the sky? When the going gets tough, when life is on the line, you are given the opportunity to lay it all on the line for real dreams.

But keep in mind that many of your dreams are already on your property. You don't have to follow the rainbow as my mother would always sing.

Because you're already there.

02:30 PM - 07:17 PM - Dishes. Mail. Trees. Bending. Forming. Crafting. Photo album project. Ancestry website talk. Password written down. Looking at different spellings of Rasp, my father's original surname before being adopted into the Arnold family. Spend most of the time, like the last four or so hours on the photo album project or maybe a little less than that.

07:17 PM - 10:30 PM - Scanning pictures.

Yellow Belt Rick

1990 - Yellow Belt - Rick Arnold

Yellow Belt Rick

09:39 PM - Facebook

I see Judy still had a jungle in her yard at that time before the next family, father Brian, son Brian, Aaron or Erin, etc, moved in around 1991 and 1992. Rick responded saying it was hard to tie the belt and he slipped on ice when walking to karate class. Rick Arnold, I remember slipping too. And it was hard tying belts for me too. I remember running into mud puddles and falling off my bike as well.

After-Dinner Snack

10:58 PM - Some peanutbutter on 6 small slices of toast. Before that, some yogurt stuff. Had some soup around like 6 PM.

Back to watching Dave Rubin on Joe Rogan from 2018.

Looking Forward

11:53 PM - Hive Post

1982 - Family Photo - Katie, Rick, Marilyn.png
1982 - Family Photo - Katie, Rick, Marilyn

You got to move forward. No turning back. No looking back. When the going gets tough, the best move you can make is one that keeps you moving. There is value in momentum.


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