Providential - A true story you wouldn´t believe - Chapter 45

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Do you know that feeling, that you have to do something.....but can´t quite remember what?
This story is just that.
I remember being told to write it but I can´t remember what I was supposed to tell you. What I do know is that everything I am going to tell you really happened, even though it may unbelievable sometimes.

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Chapter 45

Meeting her irl did not change anything, it only made things worse. I really liked this shy girl. Those first days she hardly spoke a word when we were together, but she made up for that when we chatted as she could type faster than lucky Luke shoots.

Her summer holiday ended a few weeks after my first visit and as she finished school she had no real plans for the next steps. This did not improve her life at home, which of course led to more fights with her mom and her feeling miserable.

That then again led to us talking about her moving it with me for a while just to get some peace of mind and have time to figure out what she wanted to do with her life.

As I got more and more of the feeling that she was truly unhappy and I would not mind having her next to me daily those talks soon turned into plans.

On the 13th of November, she and I flew back from the Netherlands to Spain. She did not tell her mom, she was scared as hell that her mom would lock her up and do anything to stop her. Now I had a hard time believing that, she was 18 what could her mom do, right?

I thought she was overreacting. A young girl's imagination running wild.
As soon as we were at my place, she sent her mom a message that she was with her boyfriend in Spain and did not know when she would be back.

I expected that to be the end of it, as her mom would get used to the idea. In a couple of weeks, they could talk about it and work things out, that is how this situation would unfold in normal circumstances.

Guess that in my life nothing is normal because that same night a Dutch policeman called me, asking me some questions about Yella and if we would agree to a Skype session.

We agreed and even though we were very tired we explained the whole story. By the end of the call Yella was shaking, so I asked the guy named Tom if there was anything she should be worried about, "No she does not have to worry about a thing, we are just checking if she is truly okay."

Okay so that was clarified, hence this should truly be the end right there. It was the end until a week later two Spanish policemen in plain clothes showed up at my work. They were at HR and asked me to come by later that day.

As a good boy I did what was asked, I visited the police station and I explained the whole story, again. Then they asked if they could come to my house and have a look.

As we had nothing to hide I said, of course, they came, they looked, they went. They let me know that everything seemed fine and that they had no reason to think anything suspicious had been going on.


Again I thought that this must be the last of it, the Dutch police had talked to us and the Spanish had visited my house, my work, and none of them found anything.

Guess again, that next week we got a call from the Dutch police again. Asking if I would mind calling the Spanish local police, giving Yella the phone, and leaving the room.

This whole business started to annoy me quite a bit, but as we did nothing wrong I thought that working with these clowns would be the quickest way to get things sorted.

Maybe I also got annoyed because I knew that it was horribly difficult to explain what was required to the Spanish police over the phone. Somehow I succeeded and two of them arrived at my place. Where I had to explain the whole story again, or at least try to. They found the situation as weird as I did, but fortunately, they played along.

Then I asked Tom to call me, I left the phone with Yella and went to the kitchen, and after five minutes I returned. Yella was still sitting on the sofa, white as snow. She handed me the phone and I talked to Tom the Dutch policeman again.

"Is it done now, are you clear now that there is nothing fishy going on here?" I asked. "You have scared her a lot with this I hope you understand that, can you please tell her that she can now go to bed tonight without any worries?"

They did. Then I asked the Spanish police if Yella had given them any signs that she wanted to go with them. Because that was what the Dutch police had tried to achieve by this charade.
When they said "No, not at all," I thanked them for helping out.

Now, it could not get crazier than this as it had been way too much for Yella, she got a full-blown panic attack and we stayed together on that sofa for the rest of the evening. Me holding her she shaking and crying.

We both had no clue what was exactly going on, but we knew it was probably her mom that had triggered this, but what could she do? Yella was 18 years old and free to go where she liked, all the policemen confirmed that, I repeated that as a mantra till she fell asleep in my arms.

Over the next week, things calmed down and we finally were getting into some sort of a routine together. Asking those policemen to come over had clearly provided that last bit of evidence that all was good.

We were looking forward to a nice lazy weekend together and I decided to start early so I worked from home that Friday morning. Yella still had trouble sleeping so she was sleeping in when there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door and got pulled out of my house by two guys, they moved me away from the door and did not answer any of my questions. They told me to sit still and shut up.

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