Providential - A true story you wouldn´t believe - Chapter 46

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Do you know that feeling, that you have to do something.....but can´t quite remember what?
This story is just that.
I remember being told to write it but I can´t remember what I was supposed to tell you. What I do know is that everything I am going to tell you really happened, even though it may unbelievable sometimes.

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Chapter 46

That sounded like I had no choice, so I did what I was told and I just sat there. Probably having a stupid grin on my face because I knew they were not gonna find anything. That grin faded a little when they told me to come with them.

First of all, it was the 2nd of December and I was sitting outside with no coat.
Secondly, I did not want to leave Yella alone with these people in the house.

I protested, it resulted in being allowed in to get my coat, but they were going to take care of Yella. Now that was a pretty interesting play as she did not speak any Spanish and was probably terrified waking up and seeing all these people. But also in this matter, I was not offered a choice anyway.

Although I could not get my head around the why? Why did I have to come to the police station? I thought they were looking for proof that Yella was held here against her will, and there was none but going to the station would not change that. Then again you don't argue with the Spanish police not even when they wear civilian clothes.

At the police station, I answered the same questions again. Yes, she had come with me voluntarily, no we did not use drugs, yes we were boyfriend and girlfriend. Once I was done and they had no more questions I asked if that was it and if I could leave and go back home.

Till that point I was still in a pretty good mood, this was the fourth time getting the same questions. The previous experiences had thought me that once the questions were answered that was it.

Not today it was not, I was escorted downstairs and locked in a cell. That was the point where it finally got through to me that something was wrong here.

Even though I could not have imagined how wrong at the time. I thought this was still one big misunderstanding and that things would be clarified in a couple of hours max.

My main worry was Yella, what was to happen to her? She was all by herself and probably not understanding a word said by these people. She hardly spoke any English and god forbid that the Spanish police spoke it well enough to make her understand what was going on.

I felt so bad for her and about the fact that there was nothing I could do to help her from....., what was this place? Was this a jail, it did not look anything like the Dutch jail I had been in a couple of years ago. No this is not a habitual thing, it was also by mistake.


I lay there on a bad excuse for a mattress waiting, it was cold, dark, and lonely. This wasn´t right, how could they just pull me out of my house and put me here? I had not done anything wrong, they had no proof whatsoever.

What would they think at work, they surely should notice something. Would I be back on time to walk the dogs, I really had no clue what would happen next. I could not even imagine the next step, except for somebody opening that door and telling me sorry we messed up.

Now that door did open after an hour or so, but no sorries were given. I was led away and put in a police van, that brought me to the city center.

When I exited they told me I was at the courthouse and a lawyer would talk to me soon. That did happen and it was indeed soon, I was happy that there was someone to plead my case....but there I was wrong again.

She did not plead my case, she did not explain my case or maybe she did but it all went very quickly and in Spanish. It came down to me not having any clarity on what was going and I think that they themselves did not even have clarity.

Basically, I was given two options, there was this request for extradition from The Netherlands. Well that in itself made my head spin, because those requests do not come that easily, or that quickly. I knew that much from the whole Mel and her kids' situation.

Now I could accept the extradition and in that case, I would be in the Netherlands in 10 days max, or I could oppose it. If I would oppose it the Spanish justice department would investigate the case and I might get trialed here in Spain.

I got exactly no time to think about it, well maybe they asked me if I needed more time and I just don´t remember. My brain was all over the place while I tried to make it go over the lack of options provided.

Spain was for sure not the best place to be jailed, and my Spanish was not that good, so the only option was to be handed over to the Dutch.

They said 10 days max, so I expected to be in The Netherlands after the weekend. I told the lawyer I would accept to be extradited and after she had informed the court of my decision she asked if I had any further questions.

I thought for a second and then asked if I could go home and get back to work until the flight would leave.

Now what I did not mention yet was that all communication happened by video call. I was in a room with a screen and a camera and they were somewhere in a courtroom, but even with just that screen I have not forgotten the look on that lawyer's when I asked that.

She went silent, then said: "Well I don´t think so, but I will ask." I didn´t hear what she said exactly but the judge shook his head in such a way that it was clear there was no doubt about it, the answer was no.

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