Providential - A true story you wouldn´t believe - Chapter 33

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Do you know that feeling, that you have to do something.....but can´t quite remember what?
This story is just that.
I remember being told to write it but I can´t remember what I was supposed to tell you. What I do know is that everything I am going to tell you really happened, even though it may unbelievable sometimes.

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Chapter 33

It was a full-blown crisis during that summer of 2011 all the social projects I might have been part of were delayed month after month. Stephie made me call the mayor of the village every week to keep track of when and where. She was getting desperate to get me out of the house I guess.

Personally, I was done with her pushing me in directions I did not agree with. The mayor was an awesome guy and had already helped us out so often.

When the opportunity knocked he even found us a house in the village because, in a villager's mind, nobody wants to live in the campo. That's why I don´t get humans, why would you want to live in a village when you can live off the grid?

But back to the house, thanks to a villager dying this house, which was built as a social housing project, was now available and it was offered to me.

Timing could not be better as our house was a bit busy with three kids and three grownups living there. The three kids were due to my sister-in-law moving in with us, or well partly with us and with my inlaws. She had fled from her partner and was trying to get on her feet and she could use all the help she could get.

Hence, I told Hacinto that I really appreciated his offer. That I saw the benefits especially now with a house full of people, but that it might be smart to move my sister-in-law into the village first, and that we would follow her soon.

In all honesty, I never thought about living there myself. It was a lot smaller than my house and her kids were two hands full, to put it mildly.

The idea was to have the house in the village for Mel and the kids, while I would stay down here and Stephie could do a pick-and-mix. I had it all worked out, and then the bitch-in-law put her claws into what I was offered.

Stephie's mom smelled an opportunity and called a family meeting where she laid out her plan. We needed to get organized and ensure that the house was hours.

Yes, she saw a means to give her daughter and grandkids some stability as they have been living out of suitcases for months now. But it was not hers to give, it was offered to me as a token of respect and appreciation.

Now it´s easy to give away something that is not yours, but as I had similar plans I decided to have one more talk with Hacinto and then take a step back. I could not stand the toxicity that arose around the bitch-in-law and I noticed it was affecting her daughters as well.

It was the itch that allowed me to do so, I knew soon I would not have to deal with her anymore. I had been avoiding her ever since that night I saw her true face.... a face I wouldn´t see for several years. When I saw it again it was on someone else, but just as freaking scary.

A couple of weeks later Hacinto called me. He knew how much I had been struggling and offered me a little job that summer. It wasn´t much, a couple of nights, but everything was welcome as I had not worked for months. Of course, I had a job at my inlaws which paid the rent, but life is a bit more expensive than that.

He told me I could be the night watch for the festival area. This folklore festival was hugely subsidized and was held in a different village in the Alpujarra each year.

This year our village received the funds and build a site to host the festival and afterward turn it into camping. As the stage, and the wiring had all been laid down and the area was a 20-minute walk from the village it was easy prey for travelers.

He paid me 50 euros a night to keep an eye on the place. For me this was the best job ever, I loved the tranquility of the night out there. It was a nice little plateau with an amazing view of the valley below the village.


The best part, it was almost a full moon. This job coincided with me taking matters into my own hand as I started applying for jobs.

There was nothing in the vicinity, most jobs would land me around Madrid or Barca. Places I was not really looking for but I felt driven to leave this place behind, no matter how much I loved it here.

The itch kept growing, and the bitch in law kept annoying me. I had to do this. I had to put an end to the itch and my dependency on the bitch. And this time I could not fail. Because if I failed again, there would probably be nothing to go back to.

That same week that I got the night watch job I found a vacancy a little closer to home in the beautiful city of Granada, which so far had been my favorite city. The salary was similar to what I made doing the social projects, but this was full-time with permanent contract options.

It wasn´t my type of work at all, but there was a Dutch team and that made sense with what Sei had told me.

She had mentioned that I would find something which would take me into an international community. With my background, I thought that would land me in hospitality, but it ended up being in payroll.

The city and the team made sense, but now I needed to get in. Beyond getting in there was also still the moving up story because I planned to do that climb one more time. From zero to the top in...?

As a DJ it took me 6 years but I guess the corporate world might be a bit of a more significant challenge.

Damn, I was not even in and already planning my career, which was not a bad thing but maybe I should do it the smart way. Use my skills to my advantage for once.

I waited till the night of the full moon. While guarding the festival area I had the perfect mix of everything I needed. I had a great space, vibrating with energy, and a whole night to mix that energy with the moonlight, and my spell-crafting powers to ensure my future.

Now I learned from the social projects that I didn't particularly appreciate standing around waiting doing nothing, and from the past, I knew you got to be very concise when using a spell.

This time I tried to take that all into account when I crafted the spell.
It needed to be fast-paced, low boredom, long-term, and both the company and I should be making increasing amounts of money.

While reciting the words, making the marks, and calling upon the powers I heard that going forward there will always be sufficient work for me.

The thing is these spells take time and that means testing freaking patience, again. But I got what I asked for and as always it came at a cost.

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