Little Lightning | The Ink Well Promtpt #9



A week has passed since the death of Maya's grandfather. Mr. Dimas Arevalo. The name didn't ring a bell to Maya, as the man had never been in her life for more than an hour at a time. At barely ten years old, Maya was supposed to go with her father to receive his inheritance.

“And why should we go?" she had asked stubbornly.

Her father stroked his little girl's silky brown hair, not taking his eyes off the highway as he drove.

“I don't appreciate my dad either, baby. He was never there for me, although he did help my mother raise me. I owe him for his commitment," Maya's father sighed as he remembered his childhood. “Sometimes he was there for my birthdays, sometimes not. And I was his only child.”

Maya glanced at the highway. Crowds of cars roamed like animals on the concrete. She was ten years old, but she knew her father's story. Her grandfather disappeared from any event that required his presence. Her mother said he looked a lot like him, starting with the greenness in his eyes, his tall, stocky build, and bushy eyebrows.

The times that Mr. Arevalo appeared in Maya's life were few and far between. They were strange circumstances. Once, when she was five years old, some girls in kindergarten stole her favorite marbles and told her she was weird for not playing with dolls. She immediately began to cry furiously. She only stopped crying when her grandfather showed up. It was strange because in the 30 minutes she spent crying no one could console her, not even by returning her marbles. Terrible rain poured down on the area, making the building shake. Her grandfather did not even comfort her, he put his index finger on her forehead and stopped crying. The rain soon stopped.

The second time her grandfather made his presence known was an unforeseen night. Maya barely remembered that episode, she was eight years old. According to her parents, she had had a nightmare. They tried to wake her up, but she was anchored to her dreams, screaming in desperation. That night was called "The Night of Thunder" in the newspapers. Of these events, Maya hardly paid attention, except once her grandfather smiled at her. This was because he appeared and vanished within minutes of appearing. Without anyone calling or warning him. On that occasion, he stayed for two hours with the family celebrating.

“What do you think? my little lightning bolt," said Maya's father affectionately.

“At the beach, daddy," answered the little girl, smiling.

“Oh yes! I know what you're talking about. That time your grandfather played with you," he nodded, turning off the radio that reported that insecurity had been unleashed for several weeks. “I remember that before this, a swimmer almost drowned. You were the only one who noticed, you put on a show” he stroked his daughter's hair again. “Strangely there was a strong breeze... and the waves brought the boy to the shore... then everything stopped" Her father scratched his chin thoughtfully. “Then your grandfather appeared ten minutes later, wanting to know if anything had happened to you, he was alarmed as usual... Hah! He was more worried about you than about me.”

During the rest of the journey Maya turned all her attention to watching the movements of the wind, every second the pattern changed. She laughed amused, once she asked a friend if she could see the wind, the answer was negative. Her mother also gave her the same answer. Maya didn't ask any more questions, she preferred to keep that little secret and have fun watching such a spectacle.

Mr. Arevalo's house was gigantic. Maya did not see the Olympic swimming pool, she did not see the horses wandering through the meadow or the immense mansion she entered. She did not take her little eyes off the winding track. The architecture of the building invited the wind, the air circulating inside the pillars like another guest.

“Your grandfather also had a penchant for the breeze," Maya's father wrinkled his chin in concern. “Follow me, my love," he had to take Maya's hands.

The little girl whirled and whirled, watching the wind dance chaotically across the walls and rooftops. Her father had to hold her tight so she wouldn't trip and fall.

“Grandfather and his house are strange, Dad," they entered the office.
The family lawyer, Lope de Monte, was waiting for them.

“He designed it himself, miss," answered the lawyer happily. -Mr. Arevalo was one of the best architects in the country. His death is a great loss for aesthetics and art.

Maya's father motioned for her to be quiet.

“Oh! Excuse me, Mr. Arevalo, I didn't mean to intrude.

“Let's get to the point! He was very insistent on the phone that I come and bring Maya, he told me that it was important for me to know what my father wanted to leave Maya, that her life was in danger” Mr. Arevalo's voice was upset.

“Your father asked me to do anything to get you to come... I just have to make sure of something my good friend asked me to do," he said seriously.
Mr. Arevalo turned to his daughter.

“Go play for a while, little lightning.”

The lawyer shook his head.

“Shall I stay then?" asked Maya, sensing trouble.

Her father nodded resignedly.

“Well, first I'll ask Maya a question," he asked and her father nodded. “Can you see the wind, Maya?”

The question was so direct that it caught both father and daughter off guard.

“Can you see it Maya?" the lawyer asked again. “Don't lie to me, your grandfather had full confidence in me. Do you see it fluttering around this office?”

Maya nodded in fright.

“Good, good. Perfect, I believe you," he took out a letter, "your grandfather, when he was a child, also got lost contemplating the wind.”

"Did you grow up with him?" asked Mr. Arevalo.

The litigant nodded and took out a letter. The letter was ordinary, but it contained the destiny of the world in it.

"This mansion will be one of the assets that the master will give to Maya, as well as part of his fortune, the other part will go to charitable societies that the master selected himself."

Maya's father was about to protest, but Mr. Lope continued speaking.

"I will proceed to read you the letter. I must say that it is of the utmost importance that you hear it," he kept silent, waiting for Maya's father's confirmation.

Maya felt her father's handshake, he was nervous. Still, he nodded.

The lawyer got the message and unfolded the letter. In a moment he began to read it:

Dear son this is a message to Maya and you. You are my only son and I loved you in my way. I know it's strange and sudden, so I'll get to the point. I am the legend that whips criminals, the breeze that appears when it deserves it, I'm the wind that is in any corner and no one can notice it.

I was born with a gift, it's not magic, it's evolution. It's called a mutation. I'm the only mutant capable of controlling the air, lightning, and the rain itself. Son, you may not believe me, but Maya has inherited my gift. She has exhibited the same qualities, the mutant genes have jumped to her. If she cries inconsolably the wind will howl, if she feels fear the thunder will come to save her; and if someone needs help she will move the sky to help them.

I had decided to instruct her at the age of 16, but I'm old and senile, I can no longer protect the world as in the old days when I wanted to protect you. So I ask that when Maya understands the world and its intricate gales, you tell her what it is.

At ten years old even I didn't understand my strength, she even less so. Both you and she will wonder why I kept it a secret, I decided to protect my family, I decided to become a legend among humans. Mutants would not be welcome among humanity.

I only hope that little Maya will grow up to make the right decision.

The lawyer finished reading and handed the letter to Mr. Arevalo so that he could read it himself.

Maya didn't understand much, only that she and her grandfather could see the wind. As her father mumbled nonsense, she asked:

"What is a mutant?


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The Ink Well Promtp #9

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