Your Favorite Childhood Book// #Day 11


Hello and welcome to my blog, My name is Daniel @daniky. Today is the 11th of November and the day 11 of my entry to the 30 days blogging challenge, an initiative of the #bloggingchallenge community. Kindly follow me as i share with you my Favorite Childhood book.

Growing up as a child in the olden days i can recall i had a favorite book amongst others which was "My Book of Bible stories". The moment of constant studying of this book was indeed, an adventurous one i can never forget in Life. Kindly explore through the the few pictures below and we scan through.

The Photos below are credited to Grandpabbychuck from

  1. The cover page of the Bible story book which is quite a memorable one.
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  2. The Moment Adam and Eve (The first Man and Woman to live on Earth) were sent out of the garden of Eden having eaten the forbidden fruit God instructed them not to eat.

  3. The predominance of mysterious Giants who were presumed to be some fallen angels from heaven that disobey God.

  4. The Moment Noah was preaching to the people to change from their bad ways before the day of reckoning came as a first heavy rainfall that flooded the earth with a rainbow of God's convenant with Noah never to destroy the human race on Earth with water again.

  5. The suggestion that led to the building of the tower of Babel that later made God dissociated one language to many tongues as it is today. The tower of Babel was proposed to be built possibly to reach the heavens by man's unity and imagination, which was never possible.

  1. The moment Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt for disobeying God's angel instructions to leave Sodom and Gomorrah without looking back. She remembered her golden jewelries on her way can could hardly leave them behind, so she looked back and turn to a pillar of salt that is still in existence till date.

  2. Throw back to the moment of Esau and Jacob. Hope you remember Esau the first born that sold his birthright to Jacob for a pot of portage in exchange.

  3. Joseph a man of vision in the prison of Portiphar's house interpreting dreams. He also escaped sexual temptation by Portiphar's wife and later became Egypt's prime minister for being tested and trusted.
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  4. The Miracle of Moses using a rod to path the red sea based on God's instruction. The Israelites worked in the midst of the red sea through dry land, while Pharaoh and his host chariots perished in the red sea.

  1. When Jesus was in the temple by age 12 listening to great teachers and asking them questions.

  2. When Isaac finally met his wife Rebecca for the first time before they got married.

  1. The story of the last super or passover feast of Jesus and His Disciples.

I hope you've been able to share in this adventurous moment by getting to know my favorite childhood book. Thank you😊

My appreciation goes to the #bloggingchallenge team (@cwow2, @tripode and @starstrings01) for this wonderful initiative. I also wish to invite @glotokens, @femcy-willy and @bradleyarrow give this #bloggingchallenge a try. Thank you.

My Previous Days
Day 01. "Explain your Blog Name
Day 02. "20 Facts about You"
Day 03. "Your Favorite quote"
Day 04. "Your Dream Job
Day 05. "Your proudest Moment"
Day 06. "What are you Afraid of"?
Day 07. "Your Five Favorite songs"
Day 08. "Five Current Goals"
Day 09. "Best Trip of your Life"
Day 10. "Ten Favorite Foods"


Kindly follow my blog @daniky for more update. Your support, reblog, and comment will be well appreciated. Thank you




One Love from @daniky

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