Queen of Vajrmoor


Varinei was one of the most talented, respected and famed Magi from Girolden. She was from the 'Bat Witches' sect on Girolden and had honed her methods meticulously in the Forests. She was a member of the Galactic Judicial Council too and was poised to take over the helm of the Council in a few years.


a council meet in progress

That is when she decided to go against the long standing decree of the Council. It was long held that you cannot take away that which you cannot give back. Capital punishment was forbidden and the Council firmly believed that criminals can always 'come back', that there is no 'point of no return'.

Varinei, in a sudden turn, chose to personally dole out horrific deaths to the worst murderers and committers of other ghastly crimes. She would do it in the most vicious manner possible, turning into a large carnivorous animal sometimes and ripping out the entrails when the victim was still alive and at other times turning into a flying predator and slowly pecking the criminal to death. It remains a mystery as to why she changed her methods. She was one of the staunch supporters of the 'no death penalty' policy.

Before the Council could hunt her down and put a stop to this mayhem, she had killed a hundred criminals and had killed a dozen of them on the last night that she was captured. It was with great remorse and trepidation that she was sentenced to live out the rest of her life on Vajrmoor by the Galactic Judicial Council members.

She was one of the first people to be banished to Vajrmoor and many thought that this was as good as a death sentence, as no one expected her to live for long on a wandering planet with hallucinogenic fumes and a Dark Forest. The Council members were accused of hypocrisy by some.

And Varinei lived, oh she did! Not only lived but she flourished on Vajrmoor. She was not just a shape shifter but a well trained chemist too. She quickly learnt to harness the fumes for her own ends and made the heart of the Dark Forest in Vajrmoor her seat of power.

Other captives on Vajrmoor are still affected by the hallucinogens now and then, when they do not take their potions made by Varinei. Each time they look at her, they see her differently. Hence the moniker 'Thousand Faced'. The captives are relatively well looked after by Varinei and no one has died in recent times.
---- The Historian

One who is simultaneously enchanting and forbidding, The thousand faced shape shifter from Girolden, Lo and behold the captive and Queen of Vajrmoor!



Hello everyone. Hope you are all fine and thanks for the continued support and encouragement.

Here again, I have used my old 3D and 2D arts and incorporated them into the story that I have running for the past few weeks.

The first image in this post is what I had made several months ago using Blender. I wanted to make a bat like witch who is simultaneously repulsive and beautiful; that was the result ;). Modelling, sculpting, texturing and rendering was all done within Blender. No outside software or images were used.
Here are some progress shots:




You can see the house on legs too in the background!

The second image was generated with VQGAN+CLIP MSE weighted version by jotakrevs and enlarged with ESRGAN.

For the third image in this post, (which is available as an NFT on NFT Showroom, by the way,) I used a 2D image which I had roughly sketched in Procreate a month ago maybe. I had tried to paint Elven Mystic of Splinterlands and this was my rough sketch 😂 :


I passed this image through DeepDreamGenerator DeepStyle using one of the images from Pexels for the style and was able to generate the NFT image. I wanted to achieve a trippy hallucinogen induced look and I guess that turned out quite alright.

Thank you all for reading, see you in the next one!


||All the writing is mine, inspired by the images generated, my previous posts and my socio-cultural influences.||

My NFTs on NFT Showroom


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