Coffee is The Cure

This morning was rather odd one.

I got back to my place on Tuesday afternoon after spending two nights and three days at a homestay for my staycation. I didn't feel exhausted but just sad that it had to end. I could make it longer but I am just not ready to travel longer as I still suffer from the vaccination side effects. So, I thought it's best to stay at my place for a while until I am physically fit to have more adventure.



This morning, I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck. I even passed out after waking up for no reason. The landlord's daughter even delivered the food that I ordered into my room. She asked if I was okay and I told her that I just don't have the energy to wake up. You know, it's like having 0-1% battery on your phone. Then, I tried to open my laptop and check out some things.

I was chatting with a friend about hive and then splinterland. Suddenly, the water in the glasses were moving, even the coffee I made the other night too. I looked around my room and the things were moving too. I panicked for a while and wanting to grab my laptop. In the end though, I went outside, to make sure I was not hallucinating. I have PTSD when it comes to earthquake so sometimes I am very alert when it comes to trembles or when the ground is moving. And my neighbors and housemate know this, so they often say that " It's probably just you". I went back inside but I was obviously skeptical. So, I checked the local earthquake alert. Apparently, there was none. But after checking twitter, the earthquake was a trending topic and that's when I realized I wasn't hallucinating. I was right.

The epicenter of the earthquake was nearby but thankfully, it was a mild one. When I went outside again, my neighbor told me that her nephew felt it too as he was staying on the 2nd floor. Usually, when there is an earthquake, I would get a bit paranoid as there'll be aftershocks. So, based on my experience, I decided to just go outside to not make matters worse. I decided to work from a co-working space today.

After reaching the place, I got a cafe latte. It's been a while since I actually drank coffee from an actual cafe or coffee shop. After drinking the coffee, I felt calmer. It's like I am ready to pack up my bags and have more adventures. It has been a few months since I have been in this city but only recently I am having the courage to visit one cafe from another to work. I realized that working from a cafe is really better for my spending as I normally just stay until late night, have some coffee, light meals, and then sleep. I don't feel hungry when I am around people and when I am busy plus pretty caffeinated. In fact, I would be more hungry when I stayed in my room, eating away my boredom. So, going outside is actually better for my wallet too, contrary to what people normally do. Someone tried to talk me out of this back in 2018 but being bored and depressed are pretty costly compared to a few bucks spent on coffee. And as I said in my title, coffee is the cure.


Hope You Enjoyed This article!

image.pngMac is a jack of all trades. A typical introvert in love with literature, books, technology and philosophy. She is also so into nootropics, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity, and languages. Other than that, she is passionate about cooking and traveling. In her free time, she enjoys learning various things. If you like her content, don't hesitate to upvote, leave a comment or a feedback. A re-blog is also appreciated.
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