Get To Know The Process of Roasting Coffee to Create A Taste of The Coffee

Steps To Enjoy a Cup of Coffee


Coffee is indeed a very unique product. Coffee is one of the agricultural products that we can manage from the start of the crude product to be a finished product (ready for consumption). Not all agricultural products could be like that, like chili it took a lot of steps to be a product of the sauce, or sugar cane needs too many processes and stages before becoming sugar. But for a coffee, you can manage it from start to crop up to be ready to drink. The process is performed starting from picking the coffee beans that are red (cherry) and then in the process of becoming a grain of coffee and then dried in the sun for a few days in the sunlight and be the green bean coffee. Greenbean in the roaster into a roast bean coffee and ground into powder coffee that is ready to be brewed and drunk.

Drink a cup of coffee is not just a habit but has become a culture in Indonesian society. In the morning, some workers choose a cup of coffee to increase their stamina to start the day weighing. Some entrepreneurs invite prospective investors to have a chat at the coffee shop to get additional capital and you can't deny that a cup of coffee becomes a familiar friend for our friends who work at night as a nurse, security guard, police, firefighters, and students who are working on their thesis with a cup of coffee they hope can withstand the sleepiness that night.

Roasting Coffee


But, if all that coffee has the same taste? of course not. Coffee has a lot of factors in the process from start to type green bean used, the roasting process is used, and how to brew. This time I will tell about how the roasting process with a local roasting coffee machine.

Roasting coffee is the process of cooking green bean coffee. The process is aimed at removing the water content contained in the coffee beans with toasted so the coffee beans will have a larger volume but shrinkage weight. The roasting process of coffee is the most crucial because of this process we can determine how the taste of the coffee that is desirable depends on how the process and the way roasting you do.

Step of Coffee Roasting

The roasting machine that we use has a capacity of 3 kg. I will do the roasting process as much as 2.6 kg of green bean coffee Arabica from Sipirok-Indonesia. Make sure green bean coffee is dried with a moisture content of 11-13 % because if using coffee high water content of the coffee produced less enjoyable.


Enter the green bean coffee in the roasting machine. Before being put into the roasting machine make sure the temperature of the roasting machine is ideal. I use a temperature of 180-200 C with the technique of long roasting. So a coffee, different possible using most people.


After the coffee beans into the roasting machine, then attention and concentration we need to focus here. We have to observe the color change in coffee beans away from green, yellow, brown young, brown, dark brown, or black. The Level of roasting I want for the coffee beans is at a medium roast. Because of the few times I do roasting coffee, according to my coffee arabica will issue a taste of the best in the level of medium roast.



Note the sound issued by the coffee beans. When the coffee beans will mature to have listened popping sound which is also called the First Crack. For the level of the light roast when the sound of the crack sounded then the roasting process is stopped and the coffee is issued. If you want to at the level of the medium we will stop the process of roasting the moment of the beginning of the second crack.

After getting the level desired and the time immediately removes the coffee beans and turn the blower to help the roasted bean to return to normal temperature. To determine when the right moment removing the seeds of the coffee from the machine is hard to explain because it's purely from the subjectivity of the roaster coffee. I issued the roasted bean coffee when the aroma of the coffee is I guess okay and the coffee color is already colored brown.

Result Coffee Roasting


My roasting coffee with a medium level and according to the color change at the level of Full City. At this level of arabica coffee will produce acidity and bitter balance and the sweetness of the coffee is also more pronounced. Coffee Aroma is also more steady and notes. This Level is the level most secure for beginners like me in the conduct of roasting coffee.

I do the roasting of coffee in the morning (for your information, the coffee roasting machine which I use is not mine but belongs to my friend) and to get a better taste better coffee is drunk one day after roasting to remove all the carbon dioxide that exists in the roasted bean coffee.


Have you ever seen the process of roasting coffee? tell me about your experiences and share information.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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