Coffee | A Silent Companion to my Solitary Mind.


JANUARY 07, 2021


"Why do I even want to go abroad? In the middle of the pandemic? Funny me. Greener pastures? Perhaps, the ultimate chance to meet my life partner? Or finally, pursue a formal education into occult philosophy and practices? Scratch the last part, I can't tell my parents that. They won't understand.

I've already told them I just want to study and work abroad to have a better chance in life. There is all to that. Passing this IELTS exam will eliminate will my to-do lists and help me achieve that goal one step at a time. I better ace this, if not then my English skills are getting rusty. Oh, wait! Another memory creeps in.

11th grade, standing on stage, delivering my winning oratory piece with such confidence and power. My parents face lights up as my name is called on stage and I flash them with a big smile. Perhaps, the ultimate driving force why I want to go abroad is to provide a comfortable retirement for all the hard work they have done for me and my siblings.

Enough of these fleeting thoughts, I got to finish this workbook today.""

FEBRUARY 19, 2021


"There is no turning back. My resignation letter is ready to be handed out this afternoon. Too tired from coming home and crying myself to sleep every night. How did it come to this?

Working in a multi-national company has its perks. The salary was a bit higher compared with what engineers normally get at this time. Talked with the big bosses but my positive expectations evaporated as their level of leadership did not suffice. Dealt with all kinds of personalities and attitudes from my coworkers and superiors. The project was problematic from the start, I doubt they will ever finish in 5 years. It was a hell of a roller coaster ride.

I always knew I was a rebel. Conforming to a structured way of doing things is not my thing and this did not sit well with some. Everything became so rigid and every passing day I was getting sucked into people's drama and negativity. My partner at work did not know the meaning of "teamwork" and that took a toll on me too.

I guess my friend was right. I'm a quitter. I never stick to one thing. However, why stay when there is no meaning and purpose to it? Times are changing. The universe is making its move to align things. The more I resist this instinctive feeling to let go, the more it will be hard for me to move forward."

APRIL 02, 2021


"My brother seemed pretty much in love with his fiancé. I'm happy for him that he found his other half. And here I am - still single. I have my fair share of love interests with major plot twists but I wouldn't be able to start this journey of self-love if it weren't for those explorations of love and romance.

I still remember the men I fell in love with. Each taught me a specific lesson I needed to learn in life. Trust, Honesty, and Commitment were by far the hardest ones for me. Repeating cycles that seemed so hard to graduate from. Each relationship situationship brought out something in me that was broken and that needed healing. And so my journey to self-love began.

What are just a few years of traversing life alone if I get to have moments of peace and joy through other meaningful things and help my soul in its growth and expansion? And while I go through this phase in life, I will celebrate other's love stories and happy endings.

The sunset is beautiful and this coffee is warming my senses. Cheers to that!"

SEPTEMBER 21, 2021


"It's been 5 amazing months since I fell in love with freediving and my itchy feet have brought me once again to my happy place. The water is so calm. The weather is just perfect. I can't wait to dive in and immerse myself with nature's wonder after yesterday's gloomy atmosphere. However, that visit to @discoveringarni's place for some soulful conversations about life (with 3 cups of her brewed coffee) was just the needed remedy for what might have been just another ordinary day. And my heart is full because of that. So yesterday wasn't such a bad day after all.

I still got time for a cup of coffee before our morning dive today and @ybanezkim26 is still fast asleep. Glad that he's always happy to oblige every time I plan our freediving escapades. My ex co-workers say I'm living the life right now - traveling and doing what makes me happy while "working". This is somehow true but I would never say everything is fine and perfect.

A good friend passed away this morning. His battle with cancer was something I witnessed and this made me realized life is too short not to enjoy the things that make oneself happy. I still had a hard time coping with the recent loss of our furball who served as a beacon of light in my family for 12 years. There are days when Ginger's memories linger longer than I want them to be. Not just that, my plans on going abroad now seemed distant due to limiting financial capacity at the moment and this got me and my parents into a heated disagreement. Going back to a 9-5 job as an engineer was not an option and even my family thinks I would just end up quitting again.

However, all thanks to that serendipitous encounter with @ybanezkim26 last April (after not seeing each other for 3 years), I embarked on my journey here on Hive. Truth be told, every single step of the way was a blessing. From exploring creativity through writing to working on my video editing skills; from meeting other awesome Hivers to sharing all about Hive to other friends and lastly being able to finance my day-to-day expenses and freediving adventures through my Hive earnings; I might just have been divinely guided to this newly found passion.

Uh, I better finish this coffee up and change into my swimming gears. The sea is calling."

Dive into Clara's world of bliss as she ventures out into the universe and travel to awesome destinations.
Join her as she take on the road to self-discovery and limitless possibilities.

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