My Application to Newbies Initiative || Swayzilla... wait, what?


It's hard to believe that although I joined on May of 2019, I am still considered to be a newbie. To qualify for this initiative, you must have a HIVE reputation below 65.00 and less than 500 HivePower. I have 51 as a reputation score and 30 HivePower.

Because of that, I have joined the newbie initiative by @aliento

Link to Newbie Initiative: Newbies Initiative: Application Now Open

But how is that possible?

How can someone who joined 2 years ago, not have grown their account to the point in which they do not need to worry about resource credits anymore?

Well, it simply comes down to two things that every newbie should consider when making an account; time and your personal brand.


I just decided I'm making this my cover image

Oh and Resource Credits. Completely frustrating to a newbie who just wants to comment on others posts to meet new people. But I think everyone understands how hard it is to start out with low RC, so I'll focus on the other two things.


It comes at no surprise, that when writing a post, you can get lost in time.

That post you thought may take you 5 to 10 minutes to write, may ended up taking you an hour after you had spell checked, rewrote a paragraph, reviewed it again, changed the format and made sure it was just about perfect. Only to realize you misspelled a word at the end.

Time is essential, and frankly, in May of 2019, my son was just 2 years old, and my wife was 4 months pregnant.

At the time, we only had two dogs.


And I had just started a new job.


Yes, that's me on the right.

This was before you could buy a Mando helmet (got that as soon as it was available), and so I ended up having to make my own suit and child for a superheroes event my work was throwing.

I grew out a beard during the first part of the pandemic

And before "the child" was out in stores (haven't bought one of those yet).

So with a new job, a toddler, a baby on the way and two dogs, I just couldn't find the time to write. I was exhausted.

Joined Forces

But see that's the thing.

I now have over 20 chickens


We have two Angorra Silk Rabbits whom I am currently building a "rabbit hotel" for, Link to Rabbit Hotel Door build


Still have the 2 dogs


And not just 1, but two kids!


Yes, that's a Dadalorian shirt

The thing that is different now, is not only that I can operate with less sleep, but my beautiful wife has joined me on Hive to help me post. Her account is @floresbydaforest and it's a homesteading / educational specific account.

With her understanding now that I need those 20 - 60 minutes to write a post, it's okay for me to be up a little later at night to write something. Or to collect pictures to post together.

We found the time now.

And that leads me to my next topic

Your personal brand

The problem back in May of 2019 is that I had tried to post about topics I wasn't passionate about.

I wrote a couple articles about how blockchain technology works

I tried to post about my home made products like my natural pomade:

I even tried to stay relevant my joining a Steem Skate competition and posting videos of myself doing tricks (dont worry Hive Skate team, I am still passionate about skating)

But see, I quickly lost steem 😉 and July of 2019 was my last post, just 2 months after I made the account.

My home life

This past month, I came back, but what was different?

Well, my wife and I made the @floresbydaforest account that happens to be our personal brand. We live on a small homestead, she was a previous Preschool Director and we have a ton of animals. So by focusing on that, we have a ton of content!

What about your Swayzilla account?

Well, as for my Swayzilla account, I have found that I had made a journey these last 2 years. I have changed considerably and have done so much.


I have read over 40 Star Wars books (this is just audible, I have read over 20 in Libby)


Books about Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, Wiccan, Christianity, Islam and many other self help books.

My post about a book review: A Path with Heart

  • That leads me to be able to write many book reviews in the next couple months, if not years if I do 1 a week.


I have also played Saxophone my entire life, and just posted an article about my journey after not playing for 7 years:

My post: @swayzilla/the-number-seven


But not just the Tenor Saxophone, I also play the Alto, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, and Tabla.


I now also do digital art through MagicaVoxel based on my username, Swayzilla

In which I would love to sell on on the NFTShowroom from the Hive blockchain (if any of you know anyone who can get me on there that would be greatly appreciated!!)





Yes, I still skate.



We have done a considerable amount of travel before kids. From a road trip all the way from Seattle to San Diego. Another trip from St. Louis to Massachusetts, two Euro Trips and a trip to Peru. I have so many pictures I would love to share and experiences I would like to talk about.

Check out this post about our trip to the Grove of Titans: @swayzilla/the-trees


The military

I have been in the Army for 18 years.


Have served 2 deployments overseas and have been activated countless times locally to assist with natural disasters. I have plenty to talk about within my time there.

Here's a recent post about September 11th: @swayzilla/weekend-at-drill

Crafting, firearms and Natural Made Products

I also Knit, Crotchet, shoot firearms I know, weird place to put that and make natural products like that pomade I was talking about and so much more!

You see, I finally have plenty to talk about, and I would love to bring you all through my journey.

So come join me.

Feel free to follow me and check out my other posts. I am here for the long run this time and will be focusing on my personal brand.

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