The Weight Of Responsibilities: How Heavy Is Yours?


*We are not put here on earth to play around. There is work to be done. There are responsibilities to be met. Humanity needs the abilities of every man and woman. Alden Palmer.*

Alden Palmer is absolutely right and people who avoid responsibilities are not regarded kindly. Responsibility means we look beyond ourselves to others, we care about others and invariably about the world around us.

I have heard talks and read books that encourage people to own up to their responsibilities and never shy away from them. How about the need to rant, verbalize or vent? People hardly talk about this but lots of people are groaning under the weight of responsibilities and would not mind a little relief. Especially those in leadership positions.

Each of us carries some responsibilities and the weight varies. Some forms of responsibilities are more tolerable than others. Most of us would want this kind.

My post does not say take on more and more responsibilities to show that you are a better person. No. Those kinds of writings are everywhere and still, we want more of them. Maybe to make us feel better and anchor us through whatever situation we are passing through.


I have been in leadership positions all of my life so I have an inkling of being buried sometimes under the weight of responsibilities. Am I saying it's okay to run or shy away from responsibilities? No. Responsibilities are a part of life, they give us purpose.

I remember reading Ms Amber's post where she subtly hinted at how her responsibilities as a mother and wife in the lockdown was unpleasantly affecting her. I read the post and was touched. I thought this young woman needs a lot of help and support. My suggestion to her was whether a family member could babysit for her so she could get some alone time.

I have seen similar instances where mothers are weighed down by their responsibilities and I worry for them. I know they deserve some break away from their responsibilities not only for their mental well-being but also for their health or they could break down.

My point is regardless of the kind of responsibility you are faced with, if it's weighing you down, it's okay to vent about it. If you do not speak out or ask for help, you may not get any because no one would know what you are going through.


Part of undertaking responsibilities is taking the time to rest, take a breath, so you can be energized to effectively succeed. Why bear so many responsibilities only to falter and fall halfway? It would be better not to have taken up such responsibility at all than leave it unfinished.

I was almost swarmed last weekend and a neighbour almost got on my nerves because of my responsibilities. I arrived at my workplace and penned down my feelings. I won't stop doing them because they give me purpose but I will take some breather from time to time.

Life is not a competition. Focus only on what you can undertake. If it's too much, take a breath and never be shy to ask for help.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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