Word of the Week NFT Redemption

Follow the instructions below to receive powered up POB for your weekly WOTW NFT's.

Accounts that do not have the Order in Chaos NFT cannot redeem the weekly NFT's.


image courtesy - Jordan Rowland

Order in Chaos NFT Owners



  1. Order in Chaos is in your NFTShowroom collection and the weekly NFT you are redeeming

  2. Comment below: "Redeem #(Number of NFT) (Name of the weekly NFT) NFT @calumam" and link your NFTShowroom collection link (example:https://nftshowroom.com/calumam/collection)

  3. Receive powered up POB reward on your account (you'll receive a reply once the POB is sent)

#1 edition NFT: 150 POB

#2 edition NFT : 100 POB

#3 edition NFT : 75 POB

#4 edition NFT : 50 POB

#5 edition NFT : 25 POB

NFT's that have been transferred/bought from a winner of the contest are not redeemable for powered up POB.

Order in Chaos NFT's transferred/bought after the initial transfer from @calumam are invalid and won't provide access to weekly NFT redemption.

Claimed NFT's

NameNFT RedeemedAmount
@clixmoneyConsistency #2150
@josediccusConsistency #550
@alekst7Consistency #375
@shubhwajConsistency #4100
@mineopolyConsistency #1200
@alekstSensual #1150

This post will be linked within upcoming WOTW posts to prevent unnecessary information being stated repeatedly.

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