Epstein's address book UNREDACTED: page 31~32


I previously transcribed and archived Jeffrey Epstein's address book(a.k.a black book) on Hive, but it was redacted version. Now that I've got unredacted one, I'll also archive it here so that anyone can search and research.

It's amazing we still don't have Epstein's client list after all these years. I guess many of the clients are in this book.

This unredacted version had better resolution, so this transcription would be more accurate.

The following records are from page 31 to page 32. You can see Henry Kissinger(former US national security advisor, on page 31), David Koch(former vice president of Koch Industries, on page 31), Boby Kotic(CEO of Activision Blizzard, on page 31), Christopher Lambert(actor, on page31) and Simon Le Bon(lead singer of Duran Duran, on page 32).


Chrlie & Helen Kirwin Taylor, 21 Redcliffe Square, London SW1, 0207-370 3889(h), 0207-623 8000(w)

Peter Kirwin Taylor, 001 212 888 0020

Dr. Henry A Kissinger, 350 Park Ave, 435 East 52nd Street, NY NY 10022, 001 212 759 7919, & Suite 1021, 1800 K Street NW, Washington DC 2000 6, 001 202 872 0300

Rupert & Charlotte de Klee, 29 Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8, 0207-221 7853(h), 0207-408 1455(w), 0860 360643

Johnathan Klesch, 0385 372672, Email:jonathan@klesch.co.uk

David Koch, 001 212 832 1036(h), 001 212 682-5755(w)

Astrid Kohl, 5 Rue Bonaparte, Paris 75006, 00 33 1 4326 5757(h), 00 33 1 4633 6128(f), Email:astrid@astridkohl.com, 001 212 744 1600, 00 49 171 3326239(p)

Bobby Kotic, 001 310 255 2202, 001 310 738 6668(p), Email:BKotick@activision.com

Alex Von Kotze, 27 Rosary Gardens, London SW7, 0207-491 4366(w)

Anna Kravitz, 001 212 288 2815

Caryn Krooth, 001 323 882 6328(h)

Alistar Kudrow, 011 331 538 94762(w), 011 3342527234(h)

Lal Dalamal, 7 York Gate(h), London NW1 4OG, Email:laldalamal@aol.com, (Hm)Akron House, 86A Allen Avenue(w), Ikeja Lagos Nigeria, 0207 935 7072(h), 0207 935 0305(hf), 2341 493 6178(w), 2341 493 6291(w), 2341 493 6293(w), 2341 493 6310(w), 2341 493 6311(w), 234 802 302 7152(w) direct line, 234 261 7258(wf), 44 7710 056624(UK p)

Demetra Lalaunis, 47 East 64th Street, NY NY 10021, 001 212 265 0600(h)

Christopher Lambert, 001 213 557 1401(h), 001 213 276 4337(w), 00 331 4723 0184

David Lambert, 212 864 1535(h), 917 748 3946(p), 561 863 4140

Edward Lambert, ESL Partners, 115 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830, 001 203 622 4293(h), 001-203-861 4600, 001 212 886 5640 Cath (h), 001 212 727 13361 Cath (w)

Duff & John Lambos, 001 212 807 9185(h), 001 212 761 8094(w), Email:lambosj@ms.com, (Hm)001 860 542 1616(h)

Caroline Lang, 400 East 52nd Apt 9c, NY 10022 USA, 001 212 832 7189(h), 001 212 702 9518(w), 00 33 1 4277 7132(h)

Dieter Lange, 0207-872 1000(w), 0207-872 1013(f), Email:dlange@wilmer.com, 00 39 55 409796(h), 00 39 55 409807(f), 001 39 55 499546(enid h), cell 07 785 996600, asst. (h) 0208-673 5090(renata)


Janet Larsen, 30 Rutland gate, London SW7, 0207-581 7073

Jonathan Laurie, 38 Chesham Place, London SW1, 0207-235 6691(h), 0207-709 4222(w)

Laura D.B. de Laviada, 52 55 5540 7444, 525 540 5803(f), Email:llaviada@hotmail.com, (Hm)52 55 5415 3366(p), 52 55 5540 7444(h), 00 525 261 2717, 001 212 717 9055, 001 858 735 6494(p, 001 305 935 7202(p, 41 795045812 euro cell

Christopher & Jean Lawford, 1150 Monument Street, Pacific Palisades, 310-505-9940 portable, 212 790 0519, 310 456 6633 CA office, 310-505-9940 Portable, 310 230 8533 home office

Paul Lawton, 07946 584700, 0207-577 1835(w)

Christophe & Marie Lazar, L'orongerie, 95590 Presles, 00 33 1 3470 0656(h), 00 33 61178 0384(p), Email:christopherlazar@aol.com, 00 33 1 4562 8566(h), 0207-351 2576(h), 0207-491 7408(w), 00 32 2 358 4033(p)

Simon & Jasmine Le Bon, 397 Upper Richmond Road, London SW155TZ, 0208-878-5858(h)

Jean-Yves Le Fur, 104 Rue de l'Univerite, 7eme, 00 33 4705 4601, 00 33 4705 4602, 001 331 0752 6726

Willie Le Marq, 55 E. 76th St., New York 10022(h), 001 212 403 3507(w), 212 734 6968(h)

Piers Lea, 16 Talbot Road, London W11, 0207-727 4677(h), 0734-33260, 0207-792 8480(w)

Jeffrey Leeds, 570 Park Ave 8A, NY NY 10021, 001 212 835 2000(w), 001 212 754 5813(h), 001 212 835 2020 Fax, Leeds@LeedsGroup.com

Jerry Lefcourt, 212 737 0400

Dominick Lester, 50 East 78th St., #12c, New York, NY 10021, 001 212 821 2843(w), 001 212 628 7855(h), 001 917 721 6861(p)

Philip Levine, Baron Corporation, 305 673 9500(w), 001 305 775 0659(p), Email:philip@baron-corp.com, (Hm)1425 North View Drive(w), Miami Beach FL 33140, 001 305-531-9911(h), 01305 672 2494f, 011 305 672 249, 001 305 491 0005(wp), 001 305 450 3255 Dina's cell, 305 491 1998 Roy - Driver, 305 496 5141 Victoria (p) - Housekeeper, 305 338 5578 Sonia (p) Housekeeper, 305 613 7623 Jerry (p), 305 534 1188 Jerry home, 305 673 9944(wf)

Doug Liman, 001 917 733 3165, 001 212 809 3202, Email:dliman@hypnotic.com

Sloan & Roger Lindeman-Barnet, 001 212 754 2144(w), 001 561 790 4516, Email:slindem406@aol.com, (Hm)001 203 629 8821, 001 561 655 3011 George, 001 516 726 6894, 917 453 5097(p) Sloan, 001 212 826 3773 Fax, 001 646 206 2410 Roger's cell, 001 631 287 2233(Rparents), 001 212 605 0811 Roger (w), 001 917 592 3179, 011 874 762 463283 The Adela Boat, 011 561 655 2926(sloane direct)

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