The Latin American Report # 257

Claudia Sheinbaum: first woman to lead the Aztec nation

Andrés Manuel López Obrador's protégée succeeded in concretizing the pole position that throughout the electoral campaign the polls gave her. Thus, Claudia Sheinbaum will be Mexico's next president, giving continuity to the project known as the Fourth Transformation (4T) promoted by Morena, the political force led by AMLO. Most Mexicans approve of the government's management, thanks to a boost in income, the resilience of the economy in general terms, and the positive impact of some social programs.

Many experts argue that the structural problems of Mexican society remain intact, but not even a superhero could have solved them with so little time. López Obrador is betting on a long-term effort to heal the wounds of a nation pregnant with economic inequality and violence. The latter is his main debt, a grossly disapproved subject reflected even during Election Day, also marked by controversial irregularities with the overseas vote. By the way, Sheinbaum's rival appealed to the narrative of the stolen election, in Trump/Bolsonaro mode.

Claudia Sheinbaum will be the new Mexican president ( source).

On Saturday, a candidate for local office was shot dead in Michoacán state, while another innocent person was reportedly caught in a deadly shooting spree on Sunday. More than 220 polling centers did not open due to local security problems, affecting the right to vote of 120,000 Mexicans. Most of the centers in this situation were in the tense southern part of the country, Chiapas state, bordering Guatemala.


After raiding a prison, authorities in the Central American country found a gray fox, a raccoon, a crocodile farm, and other wild animals yesterday, Sunday. The raid was carried out to transfer 225 members of the notorious and feared Barrio 18 gang, allegedly linked to extortion and other crimes. “[There was] a total lack of control” in the prison, said the Guatemalan Interior Minister. The criminals also had televisions, a call center and microwave ovens. This phenomenon is typical of prisons in the region.


Brazil continues to clash with Israel

Brazil's Foreign Affairs Ministry reacted on Sunday to the recent Israeli bombings against Lebanon, during which three Brazilian citizens were wounded. “Brazil urges all parties involved in the hostilities to maximum restraint, as well as respect for human rights and humanitarian law, to prevent an extension of the conflict in Gaza and avoid new innocent victims”, stated from Brasilia. Also related to this issue, Chilean President Gabriel Boric adhered his country to the complaint filed by South Africa against Israel through the International Court of Justice.

Itamaraty, the beautiful construction that houses the Brazilian Foreign Ministry (source).

Criminal gangs plague Cúcuta

The Colombian city bordering Venezuela faces an important security crisis, with 30 murders reported in the recently concluded month of May. The city's police last week seized grenades, firearms, ammunition, and drugs that were in the possession of a Venezuelan couple. But this was symbolically countered later by a new murder. Hitmen are on the rise there.


And this is all for our report today. I have referenced the sources dynamically in the text, and remember you can learn how and where to follow the LATAM trail news by reading my work here. Have a nice day.

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