The Latin American Report # 256


Citizens from Venezuela, Cuba, and Central America were approached by Mexican immigration authorities when they attempted to continue their march in a caravan, a practice that migrants carry out from time to time to demand a safer environment during their transit through Aztec territory. The caravan takes place in the context of the electoral process that this Sunday will summon millions of Mexicans to the polls to elect their representatives at national, provincial, and local levels. The authorities promised to help the migrants, but they are vaccinated against their siren songs.

“All of us migrants are together, we are going to continue together in the name of Jesus Christ[;] now it has become difficult because of the water and because of the children. [If] they support us, if they really want to help us, [...] they [can] go together with us as far as [possible],” said a Honduran. “They want to send us back again, they don't want us to go any further,” said a Cuban. “Instead of helping us to leave, what they are doing is that they are turning backward the whole process we are going through,” said another Honduran migrant.


Meanwhile, other “luckier” Latin Americans who are already at the Rio Grande are facing very high temperatures amid a persistent heat wave. Stranded at the border, they have to deal with the inclement sun and the aggressive posture of Greg Abbott's agents. “It is very difficult because during the day the heat is unbearable, there is nowhere to hide, so we have to cover ourselves with blankets and the things we bring with us,” a Colombian told EFE news agency. In Ciudad Juárez, the health system assisted a 10-month-old baby with severe dehydration and a 10-year-old boy who presented himself to a hospital with skin abrasions.



On the most important note this Saturday for the region, the Bitcoin promoter Nayib Bukele resumed his position as the head of the Salvadoran nation, protected by a citizenry that thanks him for the results of his controversial security policy. “If it were not for him, we could not be here [in the historic civic square] at any time. Neither us nor you [journalists]. The historic center had been taken over [by criminals]. They [had subdued] the whole country,” a woman in her sixties told EFE. “Bukele forever,” people chanted during the inauguration ceremony, which was attended by leaders such as Javier Milei and Daniel Noboa. “The miracles we have seen in this country are not few. If God so wishes, many more will come,” said Bukele, who forced the political system so as not to leave the old Country Club. Now he says he will concentrate on the economy, probably employing tough austerity policies.

The withheld food scandal

An Argentine judge has ordered the raid of a warehouse containing tons of foodstuffs that Javier Milei's government has refused to distribute, in a gross display of its contempt for the most vulnerable, hard hit by its measures. Among the products some have expired and others that are about to. Meanwhile, people are starving and the Ministry of Human Capital does not supply the soup kitchens, alluding to certain irregularities found in their operation during the previous administration.

On this issue, the opposition has managed to put the liberal Pink House against the ropes, with some medium-range officials being used as scapegoats. Initially, the troubled Libertarian administration had claimed that the food was intended to be used in case of catastrophes, but this turned out to be nonsense given the reported expiration dates of some products like powdered milk. In his order, the judge refers to the Ministry of Human Capital as “a deconcentrated agency of the federal public administration [...] that publicly self-questions its operation”.

Food in raided warehouse (source).

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