When the subtitle is missing

I often refer to our weekly meal and shopping plan. The meal plan, I always say, is just headlines a guideline. Well, mostly. This week, there have been significant deviations. The first was from fish cakes with the left over fish from Sunday. That little bit of fish is destined for paté.

Instead, and having remembered that there were sausages in the deep freeze and there was red cabbage left from Monday's stir fry and, to The Husband's delight, mash from another meal, well you know what I dished up.

Plan B

In the end, Tuesday's supper was made up of old school and family favourites.

Pork sausages and, for The Husband, mash with apple cabbage.

Braised with onion, grated apple and apple cider vinegar is just about the only way I will eat cabbage.

The missing sub-heading: consequences

For pasta night on Wednesday. Of course! All my plan said was pasta and salad. Because I needed to make pasta and start bread )to bake for lunch today) last evening and there has been other stuff going on, supper ended up being partly an exercise in emptying jars, ferreting in the fridge and partly remembering a favourite pasta. From a restaurant The Husband and I frequented 20 years ago.

In the end, it had more ingredients than that particular dish and, IMO, was better. The topping was a quarter each of robot peppers, the stalks of a 250g punnet of mushrooms. Sauteed in olive oil and two cloves of garlic. It was finished off with some chopped olives and good dollop of basil and almond pesto. This went on top of the pasta (the big ribbons were a mistake) through which I stirred the last of a jar of passata (probably 125ml).

I am sharing the combination because I want to make it again. The same way. Somehow I got the balance of flavours just right.

Again, with egg free pasta, this is an entirely plantbased meal. Oh, and that reminds me, and continuing my flexitarian thing, Passata is effectively summer in a jar. Winter is not tomato season, so preserves like Passata are a friendly (guilt-free) way of eating out of season produce.

Until next , be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

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