Talking, listening and favourable outcomes

Differing opinions are understandably expected because we all see the world through our own lenses, coloured by personal perceptions and shaped by beliefs and values. Add in the many different types of personalities, parental and background influences, and voila there is a plentitude of different opinions, feelings and different ways to express one's points of view.

Some people like to confront conflicting situations head on? Others work peacefully aiming for win-win solutions, while there are the feelers who do not want to upset the apple cart so they gently skirt around friction trying to reach happy endings.

Regardless of your style are you successfully reaching favourable outcomes? I hope so because successes far outweighs failures.

Do you consider the feelings of the other person or people involved? Do you stay calm and think before speaking. Diplomacy is always a winner. Do you really listen to the other person's opinions?

There is absolutely nothing new when dealing with conflicts. And you may have great a very positive outcomes. But, sometimes no matter how hard we try 'mud' hits the fan when you or the other person looses it, when logic and calmness goes out of the window.

It is easy to loose one's cool, it happens quickly and unexpectedly. We humans are such emotional beings so I suggest that if you are tired or unwell don't go there. I have learned this over the years and I must say my learning never stops. I also believe nothing is ever so bad that it cannot be fixed. It is a joy to gain some wisdom as a #silverblogger.



Such a simple pure little flower,
A white rose, nature's magical power.
Washing away my end of day's stress,
I only feel mother nature's worldly bless.



#silverbloggers brought to Hive by the lovely energetic @lizelle


#alwaysaflower brought by the ever lovely @dswigle


Designed by clever @barbara-orenya

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