KKP Assigns a Surveillance Team for Shirmp Estate in East Aceh


Hello Friend Hivean

Meet again with Fhutri Nur Risqa @creative1234

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia deployed a team of experts to conduct a survey at the prospective location for planning the Shirmp Estate area in East Aceh Regency, Friday (19/2/2021).

The locations surveyed include Gampong Paya Dua, Peudawa and Kuala Simpang Ulim Districts, Simpang Ulim District. Furthermore, the survey will continue on Friday (19/2/2021) to the location, Alue Bu Jalan, Peureulak Barat District and Gampong Matang Peulawi District. Peureulak

"Thanks to the group. With the visit of the KKP group to East Aceh, hopefully it can provide benefits to the people of East Aceh. I really want East Aceh to progress like other regions that have the same potential, "said the Regent of East Aceh, H. Hasballah bin H.M Thaib, SH, on the sidelines of the visit, Thursday (18/2/2021) afternoon.


The Regent added that other regions have fishponds that can develop and their yields can increase. Therefore, said the regent, East Aceh must also be able to develop like other areas that have potential for ponds.

"We don't have to increase the yield of the ponds at once, but slowly. Although slowly the farmers in East Aceh can prosper, and can absorb labor. Therefore, East Aceh also needs human resources (SDM). Human resources can be developed with guidance from the Ministry, "said Hasballah who is usually called Rocky.

He said that if the Shirmp Estate program was running, residents who did not have a pond would also get income.


"This will boost the economy of the people in all sectors. We hope this program will soon be realized so that East Aceh Regency will rise up like other regions," added the Regent.

Meanwhile, the Director of Area and Fish Health at the Directorate General of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Stay Hermawan, S.Pi, M.Si said that the Shirmp Estate program is still in the planning stage, however, Stay Hermawan said the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries together with the Regent of Aceh Timur has agreed to develop community ponds so that productivity which has been traditionally managed can be increased.

"The first step is to take a look at the location so that we know the land and water conditions. From our technical team, we can decide what can be done because there are many things to think about. We hope that this program can be carried out, "said the Director of Area and Fish Health, Director General of Fisheries and Aquaculture.

Previously, the presence of the KKP group in East Aceh District was welcomed by the Regent of East Aceh, Hasballah bin H.M Thaib, SH together with the head of the local Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD).

Present in the group, namely, Director of Area and Fish Health DJPB, Stay Hermawan, S.Pi, M.Si, Coordinator of the Regional Arrangement Sub-Directorate, Ridho Karya Dongoran S.Pi, Head of Brackish Water Cultivation Fishery Center (BPBAP) M. Tahang.


Then the Young Expert Aquaculture Analyst - PK Sub-Directorate, R. Adi Geraldi Gandadikusumah, S.T, Aquaculture Analyst, Kriswanto, S.Sos, Secretary Dir. KKI, Eka Yulianti, Secretary of the Director General of PB, Radit P, Sespri Dir. KKI, Putri Wardana Samhana Rabiha Sari, S.Akun, and Pramubakti - Dit. KKI, Oghi Almaroghi Saroni, S.Pi.

In addition to the KKP DJPB, the Expert Staff at Dr. KKP were also present. Ir. David Hermawan, M.P, IPM, Chairman of SCI Banyuwangi, Ir. H. Hardi Pitoyo, and Managing Director of PT and Parigi Aquakultura Prima, Ir. Anang Mujiantoro.

As is well known, the East Aceh District Government has prepared 10,000 hectares of land spread across 14 coastal Districts in the Regency Area to be used as a cluster of vaname shrimp aquaculture ponds as well as being an example for a national model.

Hopefully this is useful for the information presented today

That is what is being promoted in my area to boost the people's economy

Greetings, Don't Delay Happy


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